@bnji thanks for your reply.
It looks like your example is not corresponding to my example. I can also have 3 or more poly selections and materials assigned. Works fine. The problem starts, when I add a second material to one of the selection.
An example in a real scene could be a base material and then a dirt or snow material on top with opacity channel activated. In this case you would use a poly selection twice.
Tree as example:
poly selection 1 - trunk
poly selection 2 - branch
poly selection 3 - leaves (until here everything is working)
poly selection 3 - snow on leaves (and this is where the issue begins, a selection is used twice)
Workaround for now is to use a layered material, so I don't have to use the poly selection twice.
As I wrote:
- Create a cube
- make several poly selections
- apply a material to every selection
- create a Proxy - until now everything is working
- create another material and apply it to one of the selections you created before (so a selection is used twice)
- create a proxy - materials are not correctly applied.
Does it work for you if you assign a second material to an already used poly selection?