« on: 2024-06-26, 13:20:25 »
yes, i also dislike the centered icons.
the whole vfb seems unfinished in design and usage sadly.
text are slightly unsharp,
opening arrows or click a checkbox is suddenly not instant anymore as in vfb1, it seems slower.
tabs are bad to see(only text, no highlight of active tab etc)
render and ir render button sill not 2 buttons, i hoped that woudl get finally 2 seperate buttons, the one most used is hidden (IR)
the curves window is still not detachable or resizable?
for me feel the zoom factor and channels above the tine mapping settings is also not good for workflow, i
i see no real improvement on it so far, only some things not ok yet, what is the sense of the new vfb beside some "new" graphic"?