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Messages - Stefan-L

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 36
[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona vs Vantage...
« on: 2024-08-02, 19:45:12 »
yes i also use both;)

Dear All,

we have an August summer special with up to 50% reduction on our Mega material bundles!
this is valid from today until 31st of august:)

check the material our there (most bundles are now at only 49.- euro)

best greetings

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Chaos Cloud for Corona
« on: 2024-07-05, 14:14:58 »
that said to hear, but i hope the vrscene support at least comes?

the vantage export now is already the vrscene format i guess, so i hope it will be possible to export and import vrscenes at least(exchange materials etc too)

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: The new VFB: icons
« on: 2024-06-27, 18:59:51 »
ok thx for this info.

never thought i would say that, but in meanwhile, i sometimes i really wished Corona and V-ray would merge into one perfect app, combining best of both engines;)

vray for me is too slow and somehow feels outdated, on the other hand it has such nice features like the vfb2, or already near perfect vantage export, vrscene support etc

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: The new VFB: icons
« on: 2024-06-27, 08:28:05 »
"and that doing masking and such complex work is best left to external software dedicated to that purpose"

i have to disagree here, masking isnt complex and to be abel to do such tuning in the render, as i can do it in vray is a big plus and makes work easier.

we try to do as view as possible in post. and time is money i n end.
so a simple masking as vray has it would be a great time saver and workflow helper. maybe for v13 then.

for me this is solved in daily/RC2 from yesterday.
5gb scene opens fats now again, also with file paths etc

did you try the newest version?

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: RC doesnt run/doesnt install right
« on: 2024-06-26, 20:42:45 »
ok on another PC it worked and did offer a 2024.2 install. not sure why the other makes this. but you know now.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: RC doesnt run/doesnt install right
« on: 2024-06-26, 18:43:27 »
none else has this issue?

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: The new VFB: icons
« on: 2024-06-26, 18:43:11 »
ok thx for explanation.

guess my expectation was wrong then, i was hoping ti was some like the vray vfb2 (with many new features, masking tools etc)

i hope the old vfb stays for a while hten as option, for me the new is feeling yet a bit too laggy

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: The new VFB: icons
« on: 2024-06-26, 13:20:25 »
yes, i also dislike the centered icons.

the whole vfb seems unfinished in design and usage sadly.

text are slightly unsharp,
 opening arrows or click a checkbox is suddenly not instant anymore as in vfb1, it seems slower.
tabs are bad to see(only text, no highlight of active tab etc)
render and ir render button sill not 2 buttons, i hoped that woudl get finally 2 seperate buttons, the one most used is hidden (IR)
the curves window is still not detachable or resizable?
for me feel the zoom factor and channels above the tine mapping settings is also not good for workflow, i

i see no real improvement on it so far, only some things not ok yet, what is the sense of the new vfb beside some "new" graphic"?

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Fast loading now...
« on: 2024-06-26, 13:07:41 »
also here my scenes are now fast loading again, thanks!

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: RC doesnt run/doesnt install right
« on: 2024-06-26, 13:07:14 »
it did create a c4d r2024.5 folder, when i copy the corona and scatter plugin from there manually into correct r2024 it works.
but still needs fix for installer pls

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: RC doesnt run/doesnt install right
« on: 2024-06-26, 12:57:49 »
when using manual install i see option for  r2024, only for a 2024.x

[C4D] Daily Builds / RC doesnt run/doesnt install right
« on: 2024-06-26, 12:55:48 »
i did try now 3x to install the new daily, but i
after install corona is gone, and also in corona plugin folder is see only a folder QTplugins not the full usual files

any idea?

i did use the update option in installer. /c4d r2024

"-Please try removing the File Assets searching paths from the C4D preferences"

if one removes this it opens fast, as i said in other post (but then it cannot render as files are missing. once loaded one can turn the file paths on again and all works good.

so the file paths make only an issue in opening/loading the scene.

older corona didnt have this issue with file paths at file open.
maybe corona can delay the file paths use until the file is open?

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