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Topics - mrsacan

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I think this could be related to vram somehow, but it only happens for a single camera.
Any ideas?


So I noticed some people tend to have simple replies to their post like "Nice image!" etc
which written by a day old accounts, and this message is their only one.

I'm curious about why it's so obvious, yet no one says anything.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Patternmod inconsistency
« on: 2023-12-11, 14:17:56 »
I'm kinda sure this is a bug because it changes when camera changes (zoom in / zoom out). I attached two screenshots (teapot for marking spot),
This is weird because there'a seperator object between the light and the patterned plane.

If this is not a bug and I'm missing something, you can mvoe this thread to help section.

edit : windows 10 pro, 3ds max 2020, corona 11

[Max] I need help! / Can't sign in for chaos cosmos
« on: 2023-05-01, 12:48:10 »

I can't download or use (import) downloaded assets. Chaos cosmos don't give an error page, I can browse but that's it.
When I click "Sign in", nothing happens.

Is this because of maintanence or reason is something else?

Gallery / A Renovated Loft House
« on: 2023-04-18, 20:14:54 »
This is a personal project which is based on the renovation of a Milan laboratory into a family loft by Tomoarchitects. I used the main space as a basis and drew inspiration from Tomoarchitects' design choices, modifying and removing some elements while retaining others. But mostly changed (texture and style wise, planning is almost same).

Most decorations are chaos cosmos, some furnitures from various websites, some are used as downloaded, some required remodeling. Other than that, modeled from scratch.
There are some spaces I didn't fulfilled yet, I may revisit this project in future.

Gallery / A single view
« on: 2023-01-11, 18:09:34 »
Done for portfolio purposes.
I will always update this message with the last image (for thumbnail purpose)

[Max] I need help! / A reflect / shadow issue
« on: 2022-11-27, 17:44:38 »

I have a weird problem and I can't put my finger on it.

As you can see, floor material is little reflective, and stool's shadow kinda acts like a mask (as least it looks like to me, this image doesn't look normal to me I mean), I have no idea why it act like this.

Any idea?

[Scatter] I need help! / Chaos Scatter Disappeared
« on: 2022-10-30, 21:14:57 »
I made a scene like 2 weeks ago, I was using Corona 9 (3ds Max 2023), everything fine, rendered etc.
Then I had a payment issue with the credit card for my license (I'm telling this just in case, I don't know if it's related or not, because it doesn't make sense otherwise)
So my plan was automatically upgraded to Corona Premium, I canceled renew, changed to Solo (purchased again)
So I was without a license for a week. After I got my license again, tonight I wanted to try something, I opened my file and I got this message :

So literally Chaos Scatter disappeared. Does Chaos Scatter not included in Solo plan or is this a technical problem?

Right now for simple fixes I use this feature a lot.
Whenever it requires to render an object behind a glass for example; I had to hide the glass (or similar transparent object) or exclude in camera settings, if there's too much reflection, or round edges (which are not transparent most of the time) I had to adjust photoshop etc.
If I pick object & glass most of the times render area become too big, and since I use this mostly for exposure correction of certain objects (instead of trying to perfect it at material section because some projects are just fast-going), selecting glass creates another problem etc etc.

İf it's technically possible would be great QoL addition.

If already there's a simple method for this, I don't know how.

[Max] I need help! / A weird problem
« on: 2022-09-24, 18:13:20 »
To be honest I didn't search forum about it, because I have no idea how to search it. Basically a light group creating white curve lines

Which is group of a simple disk light (generate caustics unticked) :

It's a single plane, so no objects colliding either.
After 100 passes it doesn't look like a glitch, it's a result of something but I don't understand what cause it is :

Edit : Max 2023, Corona 8 hotfix 2

[Max] I need help! / Scatter - Distance - Change of Color
« on: 2022-07-22, 11:43:05 »

First of all I'm still using Corona 7 (Hotfix 1), so this is not a up to date problem probably. I don't know if still happens latest version of Corona.
This is more like a question rather than requesting help. I'm just curious, does scatter become buggy after some distance? Or am I missing something?

Let me give you some examples, material color become more white if you keep move away (a simple Corona Physical Material with a Corona Bitmap, Roughness 1.0 by the way, so no reflection) :

It's a simple grass scatter, at close it's green, but become brighter

Same material, this is from a top view

Same material, again, it's a top view

Gallery / A little Seascape practice
« on: 2022-07-12, 12:10:51 »
I feel like I'm kinda need a little more reflection and missing little foams (I'm not sure how to approach this one),
But I'm happy about overall effect.

[Max] I need help! / Washed Out Renders
« on: 2022-06-10, 20:39:05 »

I'm still using Corona 7 (because of Windows 7)

I have a problem, I really can't think of a reason why it's happening, renders are start gray and in the end washed out :

[Max] I need help! / After Installing Corona 8, I get errors
« on: 2022-04-13, 22:59:27 »
I installed latest version (8), now I get errors, I attached some screenshots :

Edit : I think I should also add, this is on a Windows 7 pc.

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