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Topics - savat

Pages: [1]
Hi all, my question is related to a blurry effect of displacement in complex materials using some maps like randomizer, distance and triplanar.
An example:

- I create a ground material using PBR maps as bitmaps/randomizer textmap to avoid ripetitive patterns/triplanar map to obtain the better UV from non planar shapes;
- add other ground material with different maps (i.e. grass for orizontal faces, rock for vertical faces, mud for road tracks);
- blend all materials in a layered material using other procedural maps like just mentioned AO, triplanar etc.

Now, with all these blending steps I loose sharpen displacement behavior.

How you prevent this? Or you use different procedures to obtain better results? Thanks in advance.

[Max] I need help! / Layered material issues
« on: 2023-07-19, 14:52:55 »
Hi, I tryed to blend 2 materials by layered material and a mask.
Unfortunately AO map ("only other objects" option) not works properly whit displace outputs (blend all layers) and triplanar maps. If I use any other type of "procedural" maskyng (e.g. a distance, a cellular etc.) all goes like a charm.
Corona 10 here.

Hi, is that comparision right?
I'm not shure because of the corona output looks too dark respect to original textures and playing with gamma intensity  breaks jpg tests.

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