[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona 12 Major Memory Leak
« on: Today at 10:17:18 »Hi all, out of 7 "memory leak" reports we have received, we were provided with scenes only in 2 of them.
In one case we were not able to reproduce the issue, everything worked fine on our hardware, so it might be system-specific.
In the other one the issue is most likely related to caustics, but we are investigating it.
If you are using caustics in your "memory leak" scenes, please try disabling them and let us know if there is any improvement.
Hey Maru
I can't remember if I sent my scene or not, however, I wasn't using caustics. That said, I haven't experienced the same issue since but ... I've not worked on that many new scenes. If it happens again I'll be sure to upload a scene.