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Messages - mario3lhd

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[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Take D5 Render as a model
« on: 2024-07-03, 13:24:38 »
Corona renderer is serious render engine. This AI stuff in texture generation is pretty weak feature. Maybe in time things will change, but this one is not worth mentioning.

Library is good but one thing is great in d5 - scatter tool. Its great how they solved this problem with clusters. For me it's a great example for corona team to take it as a positive example.

This one is really important.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Corona lister
« on: 2023-09-14, 15:23:28 »
In corona lister why there is no On/Off tab on "Proxies" tab? You have that on "Scatters". It would be great to have that on "Proxies" tab also.

One more thing - it would be great if we could move up or down objects in the list - or something even more impossible: group them so we can turn on/off group by group.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Chaos Scatter - Switch ON/OFF
« on: 2023-05-05, 15:52:04 »

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Chaos Scatter - Switch ON/OFF
« on: 2023-05-05, 14:28:45 »
Thank you!! I'm really thankful for your reaction.

One bug I must notice - when you have scatter/proxy inside of a null - it works perfectly but notice the irony - when its not inside of null -  proxy objects as a child of chaos scatter doesn't turn off/on.

Anyway - many thanks!!

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Chaos Scatter - Switch ON/OFF
« on: 2023-05-05, 13:11:36 »
Here is the script for searching every proxy and chaos scatter object - then it turn it on/off.
Only problem is - it can't find proxies and scatters inside of nulls. So if anyone knows how to modify this code, please let me know.

import c4d

def main():
    doc = c4d.documents.GetActiveDocument()
    proxies = []
    scatters = []
    for obj in doc.GetObjects():
        if obj.GetType() == 1035544: 
        elif obj.GetType() == 1058682: 
    for proxy in proxies:
        if proxy[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_GENERATOR_FLAG]: 
            proxy[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_GENERATOR_FLAG] = False 
            proxy[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_GENERATOR_FLAG] = True 
    for scatter in scatters:
        if scatter[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_GENERATOR_FLAG]: 
            scatter[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_GENERATOR_FLAG] = False 
            scatter[c4d.ID_BASEOBJECT_GENERATOR_FLAG] = True 
if __name__=='__main__':

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Chaos Scatter - Switch ON/OFF
« on: 2023-05-04, 14:50:00 »
It seems painting them off in one click seems easier than multiple clicks to turn them off? Even grouping them in a null and turning that off in less clicks is also doable. The result is the same, one is faster and less time saving. This is just my personal opinion btw. ;)

I agree. But in a large scene - i don't stack my chaos scatter objects like this. I have "null" inside of null. Null with scatter, proxies and its distribute on objects - lets name that null cabbage. Another null is named trees, another grass bla bla. So to get to every scatter like in your nice example - i can't organize my scene like that. And in a heavy scene there is decent amount of scrolling in play.
In that example - my method wins ;) by far

Just wanted to add that we are working on a lister for C4d and it should be possible to do this. ;)

looking forward to this!

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Chaos Scatter - Switch ON/OFF
« on: 2023-05-04, 10:13:57 »
Great to see someone else mentioning this problem. I don't know why its not relevant enough. When you have really complex scene - when you have more than 10-20 chaos scatter objects you dont have time to switch off one by one. If you just put it in one folder and hide it - that doesn't make parsing time quicker.

I've also talked about this and no big help here:

My solution was and still is this one in the attachment. It turns off/on every scatter and proxy object in the scene. (ctrl + double click on chaos scatter and proxy objects). I bet it can be done in code but i'm not a programmer.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Corona texture baking (GI)
« on: 2023-02-20, 14:49:36 »

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Corona Mapping shader
« on: 2022-11-28, 16:27:28 »
Great idea. +1

Did you fixed this in last version?! I'm testing it now and it seems ok!

Anyway - thank you. I had problems with caustics being hardly noticeable in final render and now everything works fine.

Whatever happened, thanks guys!

I have an example of only caustics pass in IR and regular render. Left is IR - darker one is regular render. So I get completely different solutions depends on the render "type".

Difference is pretty big. I can render in IR - but please can this be fixed in the next update? Or whenever.

Thank you in advance.

Thanks for testing. This is a feature I never paid attention to. It works in regular render - but in IR it doesn't work - and if I want to fix/change material - I prefer to tweak it in IR.

Please consider this feature - as I mentioned surfacespread is a plugin that does only scattering and they found it really important.

I don't want to wait for a minute because of scene parsing to make a variation of material. And I also don't want to wait until the end of the project to put vegetation in scene.

I hoped someone will give me 2 lines of code for this but no such luck. My fault - this is not help topic - its a feature demand.

Anyway, thank you once again.

Thanks for your reply.

Its a really good idea for viewport lag, but it does nothing when rendering. Still parsing time prevents me to do quick materials/scene edits..
For example - surfacespread has that option (enable/disable surfacespread). Its a pretty useful feature.

I don't know topic for this one, so i try with this one. I need held from anyone who knows a bit scripting.

Sometimes when I have too many chaos scatter or corona proxy objects in a scene - viewport gets laggy and also I can't render quickly some material testing because of the scene parsing. So I used cinema4d filter object, double click select to all chaos scatter objects and all chaos proxy objects - then I just tick enabled option to disable it. When I need more precise render I enable it later. This is ok solution but is there anyone who can make a script from that 4 steps? I would do it myself but I can't fine code for select all chaos scatter objects when I turn on script log. It would be time saver not to repeat same steps all over again.

If anyone would help I can screen record that 4 steps so you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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