Author Topic: Chaos Corona 9 for Cinema 4D daily builds - Changelog  (Read 15230 times)

2022-04-21, 22:04:33


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-04-21) (

  • Added:
    • Added support for Cinema 4D S26
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed problem with Avoid collisions in Chaos Scatter not working with Decals

Note: All these changes will be released as a version 8 hotfix later.
« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:37:18 by Beanzvision »

2022-05-11, 17:49:55
Reply #1


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-05-11) (

  • Fixed:
    • Fixed errors reported in command line version of Cinema 4D when loading Corona
    • Fixed import of some Cosmos materials on macOS
    • Fixed issues when using ColorPicker in Corona VFB with linear percent value types
    • Fixed issues (Non-Standard Format error) when loading different types of LUTs
    • Fixed problem with missing close button in About dialog in S22 on macOS
« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:37:27 by Beanzvision »

2022-05-24, 14:42:38
Reply #2


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-05-24) (

  • Fixed:
    • Cosmos materials are now imported with correct scale when using triplanar mapping
    • Fixed crash when using Cosmos on macOS when both Corona and V-Ray are installed
    • Fixed crash when using search in Cosmos browser on macOS
      • this was changed on server side, so the problem should be also resolved for version 8 and previous version 9 daily builds
    • Fixed problems with importing Cosmos objects when path to assets download directory contains localized characters
« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:37:40 by Beanzvision »

2022-08-19, 17:07:56
Reply #3


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-08-19) (

  • Added:
    • Added Corona Pattern modifier
      • Create a surface, apply the modifier by placing it under the object (just as with any other Cinema 4D modifier), place pattern-geometry under the Corona Pattern modifier and everything is set up
    • Decals can now be imported from Cosmos
    • Added option to preserve Slicer material when using material override
    • Added option to preserve opacity and bump when using material override
  • Changed:
    • Improved Corona Error window - improves performance when lot of errors is shown and fixes UI problems on macOS
    • ACES OT tonemapping operator is now used by default in new scenes
    • Cosmos browser on Windows now opens in its own window instead of external web browser
    • Removed support for Cinema 4D R14, R15 and R16
      • These versions are really old and required lot of maintenance time that we can now focus on improving new and existing features
  • Fixed:
    • Corona lights can now be instanced using both render instances and multi-instances (previously this only worked in IR)
    • Corona lights now also work with Chaos Scatter
    • Corona lights now support included/excluded objects also in viewport preview
    • Improved viewport performance when lot of Corona lights is present
    • Fixed issue when spherical Corona light would disappear when it was non-uniformly scaled in IR
    • Fixed rendering of Cinema 4D area light - Note that there is still only basic support for C4D lights
    • Fixed crash when loading corrupted Proxy file with full mesh preview enabled
    • Fixed problem when hidden object was rendered in IR when it was instanced by render instance or multi-instance
    • Fixed occasional crashes when changing instanced object render visibility in IR
    • Fixed occasional crashes when running Cinema 4D with low memory and low memory error was triggered
    • Fixed minor (few KB) memory leak when rendering
    • Fixed crash in decals caused by some objects with corrupted geometry
    • Fixed some cases when Layered material preview was not updated after changing its submaterials
    • Fixed minimum value for step in UVW randomizer
    • Fixed Corona using only E-cores of modern Intel CPUs on Windows 11 when in background

Note: during our testing we found some potential problems with Pattern on macOS when used in interactive rendering in scenes containing hair. We will examine these for the next daily build.
« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:38:00 by Beanzvision »

2022-08-31, 18:05:05
Reply #4


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-08-30) (

  • Added:
    • Added support for clouds in Corona Sky
    • Experimental implementation of out-of-core textures for Corona Bitmap
      • For now this can be enabled in Development/Experimental stuff by setting non-zero cache size and clicking "Update cache"
      • The UI is not final and will be changed in future versions
    • DOF is now also supported in fisheye camera
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed occasional crash in Corona Pattern when changing values in IR
      • this was reproducible on macOS, but could also happen on Windows
    • Corona Pattern now works on objects with other modifiers
    • Corona Light now works with modifiers
    • Fixed a bug when Corona pattern placed before other objects on the same hierarchy level prevented pattern from being applied on these objects
    • Corona Pattern can now be instanced, instance will work the same as if copy of referenced pattern would be placed in its place
      • Note that pattern must be referenced by instance directly, not as a part of hierarchy as in such case the hierarchy itself is instanced
« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:38:20 by Beanzvision »

2022-09-20, 13:18:42
Reply #5


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2022-09-19) (

  • Added:
    • Added support for Cinema 4D 2023
  • Fixed/Changed:
    • Improved rendering speed of Corona clouds
    • Faster IR parsing of Clouds
    • Fixed some more issues with tonemapping pipeline being reset when switching cameras
    • Chaos Scatter is now separate plugin
      • For now this is mostly internal change that will allow us to simplify development of Chaos Scatter
    • Fixed problem with decals not working on Corona pattern using materials from pattern object

« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:38:33 by Beanzvision »

2022-09-30, 20:10:30
Reply #6


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 1) (

  • Added:
    • Added Corona Spline Render tag for rendering splines
    • Added Corona Scanned material for rendering Chaos Scans materials
    • Added support for contrails in Corona Sky
    • Added configurable seed for clouds in Corona Sky
    • Added option to use automatic pattern height in Corona pattern modifier
    • Added support for setting distribution shader in Chaos Scatter
    • Added support for edge trimming in Chaos Scatter using new Scatter Edge Trimming shader
    • Added option to control motion blur shutter speed using curve in render settings
    • Added checkbox to Corona Sun to apply shadows from clouds
  • Changed:
    • Out-of-core textures were moved from Development/Experimental tab and can now be configured in global preferences
    • Removed volumetric settings from Corona Sky shader - this was only accidentally exposed in Sky shader in one of previous daily builds and was not working - use Corona Sky object instead
    • Improved import of some Cosmos materials
    • Minor speed improvements when rendering multiple material previews
      • We measured about 5% improvement in our tests
    • Corona Camera UI is now separated into tabs
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed occasional crashes in QT6 reported in last daily build
    • Fixed crash when Sky ground color is set to colors above 1 (it was possible to set this in C4D 2023)
    • Fixed flipped axes when using Distance shader within Chaos Scatter
    • Fixed crash when VDB file fails to load in VolumeGrid object on macOS
    • Fixed bug with Corona Sun not being correctly affected by turbidity when using Corona Sky
    • Fixed problem with Main clouds and Cirrus moving in different directions in Corona Sky
    • Fixed problem where values values lower than 200m for "Height" cause tiling artifacts in clouds in Corona Sky
    • Fixed crash when resetting all curves in tone mapping

« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:38:56 by Beanzvision »

2022-10-10, 18:50:04
Reply #7


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 2) (

  • Added/Changed:
    • Added decal mode in UVW randomizer
    • Added "Viewport preview resolution" in clouds section in Corona Sky
    • Corona installer updated to use license server 6.0.0
  • Fixed:
    • Fixed Corona Sky preview in new C4D versions
    • Fixed crash when reordering tonemapping pipeline via Edit dialog while having focus in one of the spin edits
    • Minor UI fixes in tonemapping Edit dialog (tooltips, double click etc)
    • Edge trimming should now work also with Corona Proxy (including Cosmos presets)
    • Fixed problem with Corona proxy with Edge trimming shader not rendering in Scatter when it used relative path
    • Fixed imports of Scatter presets on macOS
    • Fixed problems when rendering Corona Scanned material on a sphere with "Perfect sphere" enabled
    • Fixed crash when removing material attached to rendered spline in IR
    • Fixed rendering of colors of instances scattered using Chaos Scatter when no material is attached (previously such instances rendered black)

« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:39:10 by Beanzvision »

2022-10-12, 17:58:08
Reply #8


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Please check this article covering the risks of using daily builds: Daily Builds FAQ
Use daily builds at your own risk and always make backups of important projects before opening them with a daily build installed.

Changes in Corona 9 for Cinema 4D (Release Candidate 3) (

  • Fixed/Changed:
    • Fixed material overrides not being applied on rendered splines and geopattern materials in "pattern object" mode
    • Fixed flipped cylindrical camera
    • Fixed "Use external browser" option from preferences having no effect for Cosmos on macOS
    • Fixed problem with tonemapping pipeline resetting to initial state in IR viewport after every change in document
    • Fixed crash in tone mapping UI when tone mapping operator is grabbed by mouse at the left edge
    • Fixed problem with LUT path in tonemapping presets loading as "C:\..." on macOS
    • Out-of-core textures are now disabled by default

« Last Edit: 2022-11-10, 11:39:22 by Beanzvision »