Author Topic: Render times increases drastically between Corona 9 & 12  (Read 6584 times)

2024-07-05, 12:37:51


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So I just downloaded Corona 12 and had to find out that renders times are SO MUCH SLOWER compared to corona 9. (Yes I was still using version 9 due to having this issue in the past already)

I had already encountered this problem with Corona 10 + 11 so I always stuck with my Corona 9.
Now since 12 has some very nice new features I was hoping this issue would ve been fixed but just found out that it's not.

I use C4D R26 on M1 max Macbook Pro, 64 GB

Rendered the exact same scene with pass limit 5.
Corona 9 took 1:27 (with aprox 11 million rays total)
Corona 12 took 2:28 (with > 24 million rays total)

How is this possible? Took almost double the time, while having more than double the rays? I can't wrap my head around it.
Percentage wise this is a disaster.

It's very frustrating to have to decide if I want the new features of if I wanna keep rendering faster.
Hope you can help me. (before I go back to installing my old Corona 9)

« Last Edit: 2024-07-05, 23:45:34 by habber »

2024-07-05, 16:46:13
Reply #1


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I feel your pain. When updating to C10 I've made this topic about it

I could guess whatever the reason could be, but I don't know anything about programming or whatsoever.

I sucks nevertheless, all the new stuff is a lot of fun but finishing renders faster is the most fun :)

2024-07-05, 17:30:35
Reply #2


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I feel your pain. When updating to C10 I've made this topic about it

I could guess whatever the reason could be, but I don't know anything about programming or whatsoever.

I sucks nevertheless, all the new stuff is a lot of fun but finishing renders faster is the most fun :)


Thanks for sharing my pain. Also thanks for the link.
I checked out the topic and read it all. Tried converting the whole scene to corona bitmaps and all that stuff.

Just to find out that now it took EVEN LONGER :D (now the very same scene took 2:58) compared to 1:27 with v9 and 2:28 with v12 before converting scene :(
It is so frustrating. I will have to migrate back to corona 9 very soon. For the 3rd time. Unbelievably sad.

« Last Edit: 2024-07-05, 23:46:58 by habber »

2024-07-05, 17:34:34
Reply #3


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Yes, it has gotten slower for sure. I was also sad. I think every version gets slower despite what they tell you about speed increase and optimizations.

2024-07-05, 22:17:32
Reply #4


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This is interesting, is it just C4D or Max also?

2024-07-05, 22:53:01
Reply #5

Alex Abarca

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2024-07-05, 23:05:04
Reply #6


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This is interesting, is it just C4D or Max also?


Can't say about Max. Only been using C4D since the beginning.
But the difference is truly insane between V9, which seems to have been the fastest of all.
Seems like each never version has gotten just slower and slower (at least for me on M1 MAX 64GB + C4D R26).

What makes 0 sense to me is the fact that the rays are significantly higher while render times are twice as long.
I just can't understand as to why this could happen, it's soo soo frustrating :(

And seeing that this has been an issue for the past 3 versions doesn't really fill me with much hope.
It clearly has to be corona related. I'm always reading to send scenes, benchmarks etc. but to my common sense, it shouldn't really matter what kind of CPU, m1 pro, ram whatnot i am using. The fact that I am rendering the same scene 1:1 with different version on the same machine and getting such crazy different results is just insane.

At the end of the day I have such a busy schedule and the only thing that matters to me in my work is how fast I can render "X" scene and would be nice to take advantage of newer Corona versions with all its nice features without having to compromise for 2x the render times.

Let's see if anyone has found any solution or if we can get any deeper insight.


2024-07-05, 23:31:26
Reply #7


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This is interesting, is it just C4D or Max also?


Can't say about Max. Only been using C4D since the beginning.
But the difference is truly insane between V9, which seems to have been the fastest of all.
Seems like each never version has gotten just slower and slower (at least for me on M1 MAX 64GB + C4D R26).

What makes 0 sense to me is the fact that the rays are significantly higher while render times are twice as long.
I just can't understand as to why this could happen, it's soo soo frustrating :(

And seeing that this has been an issue for the past 3 versions doesn't really fill me with much hope.
It clearly has to be corona related. I'm always reading to send scenes, benchmarks etc. but to my common sense, it shouldn't really matter what kind of CPU, m1 pro, ram whatnot i am using. The fact that I am rendering the same scene 1:1 with different version on the same machine and getting such crazy different results is just insane.

At the end of the day I have such a busy schedule and the only thing that matters to me in my work is how fast I can render "X" scene and would be nice to take advantage of newer Corona versions with all its nice features without having to compromise for 2x the render times.

Let's see if anyone has found any solution or if we can get any deeper insight.

This is interesting, I wonder if it's Hardware related or software related (C4D).

Can you do a test of the scene in v9 and v12 but using 4% noise threshold. I would like to see if it has to do with using passes as the limiter.

2024-07-05, 23:36:41
Reply #8


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This is interesting, is it just C4D or Max also?


Can't say about Max. Only been using C4D since the beginning.
But the difference is truly insane between V9, which seems to have been the fastest of all.
Seems like each never version has gotten just slower and slower (at least for me on M1 MAX 64GB + C4D R26).

What makes 0 sense to me is the fact that the rays are significantly higher while render times are twice as long.
I just can't understand as to why this could happen, it's soo soo frustrating :(

And seeing that this has been an issue for the past 3 versions doesn't really fill me with much hope.
It clearly has to be corona related. I'm always reading to send scenes, benchmarks etc. but to my common sense, it shouldn't really matter what kind of CPU, m1 pro, ram whatnot i am using. The fact that I am rendering the same scene 1:1 with different version on the same machine and getting such crazy different results is just insane.

At the end of the day I have such a busy schedule and the only thing that matters to me in my work is how fast I can render "X" scene and would be nice to take advantage of newer Corona versions with all its nice features without having to compromise for 2x the render times.

Let's see if anyone has found any solution or if we can get any deeper insight.

This is interesting, I wonder if it's Hardware related or software related (C4D).

Can you do a test of the scene in v9 and v12 but using 4% noise threshold. I would like to see if it has to do with using passes as the limiter.


Yes, already tried and unfortunately it's not noise related. I tried earlier and actually it takes more passes to achieve same noise limit, while taking ~twice as long, while having ~ twice as many rays at the same time.

I know, it makes no sense at all.
Also, reading that over people are experiencing the same issue and that this has not yet been resolved makes me more worried there might be no solution to this.
Just a huge mystery :(


2024-07-05, 23:38:51
Reply #9


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Looking forward to seeing a reply from the DEV's.  Something seems to not be going right here, maybe this is an opportunity to get back speed in later versions.

2024-07-06, 19:27:58
Reply #10


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Hi habber,
Also, your rays/sample went up from 86 to 338 (lower is faster). Very strange.
Your mats look pretty simple but did you check if something funky goes on in your materials?
Is this your “test” scene? Maybe you can simplify the materials further? The walls have bump and not displacement correct? My r/sample are usually around 50-60.
Was there a change in UHD calculation bet. V9 and V10?

2024-07-07, 00:21:19
Reply #11


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Are you all on macOS? I haven't compared render times here on Win, but it doesn't feel slower than before.
Since there is no max version for Mac, this issue seems to be a Corona for C4D (And maybe a Mac thing...)

2024-07-07, 01:40:38
Reply #12


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Hi habber,
Also, your rays/sample went up from 86 to 338 (lower is faster). Very strange.
Your mats look pretty simple but did you check if something funky goes on in your materials?
Is this your “test” scene? Maybe you can simplify the materials further? The walls have bump and not displacement correct? My r/sample are usually around 50-60.
Was there a change in UHD calculation bet. V9 and V10?


Yes i know it's so weird that rays/sample is also so different. Just doesn't make any sense.
As for the materials: Yes, quite simple. Actually couple of them are unlinked (hence black floor). Just loaded any of my old random scenes and lost links. I realize it's not the perfect "test scene" but even setting it up properly it results in much longer render times.

Still, even having unlinked textures, the main point being is the difference between v9 and v12 (+10,+11)
I've noticed this speed difference with every single file over the past years with each new version, even if I optimize materials etc. which is why I haven't upgraded since v9, but had hoped to do so now.


2024-07-07, 01:45:46
Reply #13


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Are you all on macOS? I haven't compared render times here on Win, but it doesn't feel slower than before.
Since there is no max version for Mac, this issue seems to be a Corona for C4D (And maybe a Mac thing...)


Yes all macOS since the start.
I am starting to think it might be C4D/Mac related.

You are windows + max?

Would be interesting to see if there's more ppl that don't face this issue.
Maybe it's just Apple / C4D.
M chips related? Would think they would test this pre release.


2024-07-07, 10:26:40
Reply #14


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I normally don't pay attention to render times, because for me few percents slower or faster rendering is irrelevant, but out of interest i installed V9 and rendered random scene. Turns out V12 is significantly faster, which is not surprising. I noticed that the floor in V12 is rendered wrong though and that may indicate that there were some changes that affected complex materials between V9 and current version and that could possibly be the cause of slowdown in your case. Dramatic increase of rays/sample in your V12 render seems to support that guess. Other than that, it could be C4D or Mac thing as pointed by others.
I'm not Corona Team member. Everything i say, is my personal opinion only.
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