Author Topic: Limit shadow catcher amount  (Read 882 times)

2024-05-31, 09:55:17


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Is there a way to reduce the amount of shadows made by the shadow catcher material? So it don't extend beyond my render dimensions?

I have already reduced the shadow amount to the lowest value: 0.1.

2024-06-03, 17:10:28
Reply #1


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… reduce the amount of shadows made by the shadow catcher material?
   So it don't extend beyond my render dimensions?

Seems like you’re asking 2 different things. Do you mean less shadow density or how far the shadow is reaching…
Since this shadow does not look realistic, best to start with adjusting your light.
What’s the look you are after?
 Is the red part a stylized road? Then only use 1 light - the sun… adjust softness of shadow with “sun size” and use a bounce to lighten the shadow side - same as IRL. 
« Last Edit: 2024-06-03, 18:00:07 by jojorender »