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Messages - jojorender

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[C4D] I need help! / Re: ID mask or RGB mask for Corona Hair
« on: 2023-10-17, 21:54:54 »
Not sure I understand what exactly you are trying do...
Masking hairs like this? If so, maybe attached c4d file can help.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: ID mask or RGB mask for Corona Hair
« on: 2023-10-15, 05:10:23 »
Is your mask comp tag on the hair object or the geo?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Curves Editor
« on: 2023-09-21, 22:25:09 »

What is the point of your ACES OT’s and negative highlight compression?
The bridge etc still has massive blown out “highlights”.
Why saturation 0.1? - Pink clouds.
Turn off bloom and glare - find your tone map/ exposure values first and only then add subtle B&G.

As beanz said, the problem starts with your materials…
Are you using corona materials? The materials look like they are just simple colors… no textures - lifeless/ flat. Most windows no reflections???
Flat noon lighting = flat image.

You need to spend the time and apply “realistic” materials to all elements…all buildings, roads,
etc. Avoid repeating textures. Check tex sampling for “far away” materials.
Delete all trees or replace with cosmos trees. Once you see something “fake” all looks fake.

Sun size “5” means it’s hazy/ soft shadow light. Something is not right…
Is your scene to real world scale? If not, scale up to a real life value.

What’s across the river, off camera? Once you use real glass material, these windows want to reflect something interesting, not just endless sky…

Hey, the water looks great!

Gallery / Re: Ninja Landscaping
« on: 2023-08-22, 05:01:58 »
Nice work! ...that

[C4D] I need help! / Re: C4D camera calibration
« on: 2023-07-28, 14:16:08 »
Thanks Beanz!
The first tut was new to me. Need another beer to finish it but has some good info already.
I wonder if lens corrections tools (in camera & apps) mess with the image geometry so much that cam matching gets more difficult than it should be.
I’ll gladly let AI do this kind of task for me. Any AI tools out there for this?

[C4D] I need help! / C4D camera calibration
« on: 2023-07-27, 18:22:36 »
Hi all,
not a corona issue, but I need some help with C4D camera calibration tool.
I get mostly wrong focal length, cam position or crazy film offset values, even when I get all green “solved” marks.
Does anyone know a good tutorial?
I usually “eyeball” the cam but now I have a larger project putting furniture into existing images and I need a better way of calibrating the camera. Being a "little off" might still work in a large exterior scene but not in a small room.
Most images I get have no metadata and real cam/ lens info is not available.
I can get approx. room measurements from floor plans.
Any tips?

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Dock Cosmos in C4D UI
« on: 2023-07-18, 02:36:21 »
Works on macOS, maybe not on Windows.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Dock Cosmos in C4D UI
« on: 2023-07-07, 20:03:24 »
Cosmos browser window is dockable like any other window.
Just drag into c4d layout and “save as startup layout”   

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: mac studio / mac pro m2 ultra
« on: 2023-06-29, 18:16:02 »
my 64 core Threadripper is scoring about 15M
64c rippers usually in the 20M r's range... thermal throttling?

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Same colors in Photoshop as in VFB
« on: 2023-06-28, 19:15:52 »
Ok, here you can see my struggle. On the left its the picture out of the vfb and on the right you can see whats the pictures look like if i open them in photoshop.

I don’t know Windows but your screenshot shows the image in some finder/ explorer or whatever it’s called. That is most likely not able to show colors “correctly”…

Just as a general question, why do you need a exr / 32bit in PS workflow? Unless you do heavy comp work or you work in a color managed team… this is “overkill”.
PS is still not the “right” place to deal with 32bit files… even AE is a better place…

I do all my tone mapping in the VFB and then save a .cxr as a “master”
For additional retouching in PS, I export a psd or tif with all tone map baked in.
Just make sure you convert early on from linear profile to whatever you need at the end (probably sRGB)

 For color workflow in general:
At the end of the day it’s irrelevant what the image looks like on your monitor - what matters is what it looks like for your clients / end consumer. Yes, impossible to know… but very few 10bit/ Adobe RBG monitors out in the wild..
80-90% of my work is for real estate agents and it’s been a long time that I have seen my work printed. Most of these listings are viewed on a mobile device so I gave up on monitor calibration, color managed workflow and all that. My proofing monitor is now a iPhone and a iPad because they seem fairly consistent in their color calibration otb.
Of course this only applies to a one-man-show, if you work in a team you want to be on the same page…

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: mac studio / mac pro m2 ultra
« on: 2023-06-28, 15:13:41 »
This means problems seem to occur with macOS 13 only ?
Well, so far there is only one benchmark for this cpu/ os combo and we don’t know if this was run on a idle system…
I ran a bench on I9 /Monterey - score as expected.
I don’t have any Ventura nodes to test.

@Phil & masterzone
How long after updating did you run the bench? could some background indexing be the problem?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: mac studio / mac pro m2 ultra
« on: 2023-06-27, 20:26:04 »
Thanks Phil, forgot about the universal binary... had gpt explain to me how that works ;-)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: mac studio / mac pro m2 ultra
« on: 2023-06-27, 17:29:27 »
In the screenshot masterzone posted the 3,8M r/s score for I9-10910 caught my eye.
It’s running macOS 13.4… In comparison my I9-10850K running Mac OS X 10.15.7 comes in consistently in the 5,2M r/s range. Not sure what to make of this, since both CPU’s should be performing in the same range.
It’s been a while since we heard that a OS update boosted hardware performance, but I never heard of an update throttling performance.

Is the benchmark running M chips “optimized”? I couldn’t find any Chaos statement about this and I wonder how this actually works. There is only one Mac installer. Does it have code to run “native” Intel AND “native” Apple Silicon?

@ Chaos
There was some discussion about M1 thermal throttling kicking in after 5 min or so.
Why is the benchmark restricted to 1 min tests? Would be great if this would be more flexible (set your own test time) to evaluate performance over time/ thermal stability.

[C4D] General Discussion / Bump enable
« on: 2023-05-19, 18:13:33 »
Why is the bump channel disabled by default?
How can I permanently set the default to “enable” in C4D?

What is the purpose of that “enable” checkbox anyways? LOL, yes it turns bump on and off, but why exactly?

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