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Topics - jojorender

Pages: [1] 2 3
Hi all,
Is it just me or are many COSMOS materials still wrong? It’s mostly random IOR values, or (Maxtree’s) leaves with self illumination ticked on, etc.
I can never use assets out of the box, always have to check everything.

[C4D] Daily Builds / V12 RC1 - New VFB UI / UX
« on: 2024-06-19, 19:46:01 »
First off, thank you for removing the zoom buttons and adding the “calculate after render” option to bloom and glare.
I couldn’t find any information about this checkbox and assume it’s a placeholder for now, as it doesn’t seem to work yet.

Maybe it’s a macOs thing, but I can’t figure out how to easily pan around a zoomed in image.
Please let me know how to get the Hand tool. It’s not the usual “press spacebar”
The PV automatically switches to the hand tool when zoomed in enough - perfect!

The right sidebar for Post, Stats, etc is very large and can’t be resized. Will it be possible to resize the sidebar in the final version?

To be clear it has always been slow in loading these preview thumbnails - nothing new.
Is there no way to cache images like every other web browser does?
There seems to be a “lazy load” function when scrolling down, BUT when scrolling UP again some previews have disappeared  and need to reload again! What???  This is really bad.

On the COSMOS asset previews load very fast, but can't be used for downloading assets.

I kinda remember that you could use an external web browser to bring Cosmos assets in but I never used it.
Does this still work? Can’t find the setting for this.
Any other tips to speed up image loading?

Chaos Cosmos • Build: 2024.02.21-376207
Version • 11 (Hotfix 1) - R24 Cinema 4D
MacOS 10.15

[C4D] I need help! / C4D camera calibration
« on: 2023-07-27, 18:22:36 »
Hi all,
not a corona issue, but I need some help with C4D camera calibration tool.
I get mostly wrong focal length, cam position or crazy film offset values, even when I get all green “solved” marks.
Does anyone know a good tutorial?
I usually “eyeball” the cam but now I have a larger project putting furniture into existing images and I need a better way of calibrating the camera. Being a "little off" might still work in a large exterior scene but not in a small room.
Most images I get have no metadata and real cam/ lens info is not available.
I can get approx. room measurements from floor plans.
Any tips?

[C4D] General Discussion / Bump enable
« on: 2023-05-19, 18:13:33 »
Why is the bump channel disabled by default?
How can I permanently set the default to “enable” in C4D?

What is the purpose of that “enable” checkbox anyways? LOL, yes it turns bump on and off, but why exactly?

Version • 10 (Daily Build Jan 23 2023) / macOS 10.15.7 / R24

When render region is set, noise limit (5%) is ignored and render stops early around 20%
This happens when team rendering on 3 nodes. Noticed this on several different jobs.
It used to work as expected before.

MacOs 10.15.7 / C4D S24 / Version • 10 (Daily Build Jan 23 2023)

Most value scrubbers won’t accept numerical input.
For example, in spline incl/ excl, I can’t double click to change value with numerical keypad.
Far distance is limited to 100

Scale and density accept numerical inputs, BUT number jumps.
Example: Input 12% >Enter> value shown 11.9%

Do we need a current inventory list of old bugs/ shortcomings that still exists in corona 9/10 for C4D? Too many times these issues seem to get “forgotten” in the bug/ feature request sections.

We are almost 8 versions into CoronaC4D and there are still things that never worked in C4D but they do work in Max.
A “big” one for me is deformation motion blur & velocity pass not working in C4D but they work in Max.
To be clear, I’m not asking about new features that we might want to have, I’m just asking to give us the same features Max users already have.
After all, we are paying the same for Corona as the max users do!

Does it make sense to start a “missing features - inventory list” that developers can work on before V10 comes out?
Instead of spending time on "fun" new features like Chaos Phoenix, maybe working on something we C4D users can actually use would be great.


[C4D] General Discussion / Cosmos available materials
« on: 2022-08-08, 18:08:13 »
Hi Corona team,
I’m wondering about the large difference in available materials in the c4d cosmos browser compared to what’s shown on the Chaos Cosmos website.
For example “Fabric” only has the same 10 assets since V8 release about 4 months ago, compared to 540 assets shown on  Car paints, decals, etc are completely missing.
All in all, website shows 1172 materials, actual available in c4d 201…
Realistically, I’m not expecting to hear a definite date when these assets will be available to us, but maybe you can poke the Chaos Cosmos Team to not forget about us??? Thanks!

macOs 10.15.7 / S24/ Version • 8 (Hotfix 1)
Since upgrading to hotfix 1 on Monday, Cosmos browser shows only the famous blank window. Today (Wednesday) “update to latest…" popped up and after updating, I only get
“There is a problem with Chaos Cosmos — undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘r.includes’)”
I only updated to hotfix 1 to see if this fixed the “immutable shader” issue.
So, Cosmos went from unusable in TR to completely unusable.
Is there a more stable solution planned? How do I switch to using my OS default web browser instead of the C4D built in cosmos browser?

I’m late to the V8 game, so this is probably a known bug, but some assets render correctly on single machine but not in TR.
That’s a real joy, when you are pressed for time and use Cosmos assets - do a quick low res single machine render and then a full rez TR render overnight.
How fun when the next morning half your garden was rendered with the “nuclear winter pro" preset… There goes your deadline. 
This seems to happen to assets that use the opacity layer.
macOS 10.15.7 / S24/ V8

Please name the Cosmos browser window.
At least on macOs the browser window does not show up in C4D>Window or the dock icon context menu.

[C4D] General Discussion / Corona c4d helpdesk
« on: 2022-04-20, 00:44:36 »
What happened to the Corona c4d helpdesk?
My bookmarked link gets lost on the Chaos site…
Corona not showing up on the “help portal”
Can you please post a direct link? Thanks!

[C4D] Daily Builds / Cosmos asset features
« on: 2022-03-25, 16:47:27 »
When Cosmos first got announced on the blog I went to the Chaos site to find out what it actually is.
They mentioned “Smart Assets” and I got excited thinking these assets will have some kind of LOD (level of detail) feature.
Turns out the “smart” aspect is just that they come in as proxies. Is that it? …my fault if I can’t read.
For example, If you work in archviz I don’t think you’ll find any hero assets in the furniture section but they could be useful as fillers, far in the background.
In that case “hi-res” textures, high poly mesh etc is not needed and could be replaced with simple color and low poly mesh.
Sure this can all be done by hand as we already (should) do, but it would be a great timesaver if these assets come in different LOD’s or they are really smart and sense their distance to cam and pull in what’s needed. Just daydreaming here…
My question: Since Cosmos is a Chaos thing, is there any point in making feature requests in this forum?
How much is the corona team involved in the feature development in cosmos, or you guys just “make it work” in corona?

[C4D] I need help! / Mask for light material
« on: 2022-03-14, 18:01:06 »
I use a Corona sky w/ HDRi for lighting and a c4d-sky w/ light material -no emit light -tonemap shader sky image (Comp tag: only seen by cam, buffer 1). See attached. ** I need a mask for the c4d-sky image.
Double-checked all checkboxes…
I get the mask layer but no mask. What am I missing?

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