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Topics - ronilsonandrade

Pages: [1]
[Max] Feature Requests / New Unified UV Tile Control map
« on: 2022-04-24, 02:54:11 »
1 - The idea is to unify the texture scale, size, rotation and displacement controllers in the material, the default method is to change it by the uv texture tile itself, but for that it is necessary to change each bitmap separately, i.e. the AO , Diff, Brightness and etc,
(there are also people who use the UVW XForma Modifier, but in this case I would have to go to the "ID Map" and change the model) the idea is to skip this part, and go straight to the material and change there, which would shorten the process.

2 - The idea is to unify the quantity and the Advanced Maps method of the material, instead of using a Triplanar for each channel (Diff, Gloss, Bump) this method insists on unifying the controllers of these channels in a single Triplanar, that is, , a material would not need multiple triplanes, just a control triplane mapping, and this goes for

- triplane
- MultiMap
- UVW Randomize

Pages: [1]