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Topics - herncabret

Pages: [1]
[Max] I need help! / Corona Reflection Value
« on: 2020-09-27, 16:25:52 »
I just wanted to get an idea from everyone... for what materials are you not setting your reflection value to 1.
Someone mentioned in a forum a while back that the value should be set to 1 for most materials and then adjusted through the glossiness.

Do you believe this to be true / when are you not setting the value to 1?


So i'm rendering an image with multiple lights.

There is 1 environment bitmap being used and a few instances of different CoronaLightMtls.

I have set up LightMix and found that in the controls one of my CoronaLightMtls which is a simple renderable spline object is being controlled by the Environment.

The renderable spline also has its own slot within LightMix that controls a second version of this light despite there being just one instance in my scene.

I have deleted my LightMix layers and tried doing it again.
I have also tried merging all my objects in to a new scene but the same effect every time.

Any ideas?

[Max] I need help! / Stuck on Parsing Geometry pass. Crashes
« on: 2018-02-02, 15:33:22 »
I'm trying to render an image which has been rendering fine until I added a piece of complex geometry.
Its a complex piece of geometry that looks similar to the image attached. The mesh is clean but when I get to the parsing geometry render pass the file crashes. Are there any modifiers or techniques I can try to make the geometry renderable?


[Max] General Discussion / Bitmap Bump v CoronaNormal Bump
« on: 2018-01-31, 12:12:18 »
I was just wondering if anyone has found an advantage to using bump via a CoronaNormal map over a bitmap.

I found some materials in the Corona library favour this and wondered why?

[Max] I need help! / How to edit CoronaLightMtl in LightMix
« on: 2018-01-17, 16:24:13 »
I'm having trouble getting an object with a CoronaLightMtl into my lightMix.

After a render it's illuminated in my beauty pass and visible in IR but how do enable it on my LightMix?

[Max] I need help! / Clay texture with finger prints
« on: 2018-01-12, 17:05:18 »
I'm trying to make a hand made clay material to make renders that give an impression of an old stop motion animation type model. Think Wallace and Gromit.

It has to have impurities in it to show human error like finger prints and scratches.. and at the same time look like a soft clay material.

The image is a reference from google of what somebody has achieved with Z Brush.

I thought a good starting point may be a rubber from the Corona Library?

Any tips?


[Max] I need help! / Increase Sun size increases noise
« on: 2018-01-11, 12:44:32 »
Does anyone know why increasing the size of the Sun to say size 4..5 causes issues with noise.
It is an external scene in 3ds max that also uses a hdri environment.

There's no issue when I use the Sun on size 1 or the environment on its own.


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