Author Topic: General concerns about Corona Renderer for Blender development  (Read 43879 times)

2020-10-15, 21:19:02
Reply #30


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  • aluxado - render like photography
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A big +1 for Corona for Blender. I've switched from Modo to Blender one year and half ago, and after having used 3ds Max for a period (to use Corona, I even got the Corona Academy certification some years ago!:) ) what I can say is that Blender is a wonderful piece of software. What I love is the spirit of the community, the fast iteration and developing they are doing, the vast knowledge resource you find.
Talking about rendering, Cycles is good and with the new GPU + viewport deonise you got almost clean result in no time. It's just missing a bit of photorealistic result, but a good artist could overcome to it.
I think that Corona with it's excellent materials, ease to use, light mix and photorealistic results can be the final addition for Blender! 
aluxado | render like photography

2020-10-19, 20:35:11
Reply #31


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Hi everyone! I'm new to Corona and I'm a blender user so I've trying to make the standalone + addon version work but I find it imposible to achieve.
When I install the blender addon it says that I have to update the blender version to 2.8x. Thing is I'm using the 2.83 LTS version.
So, does anyone know if the addon has been updated to the current version of blender or if the project is no longer working?

Thanks in advance!