Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!
Rendering Depth and Velocity passes
I can't seem to render out usable Depth and Velocity passes in my tests. Generally I just get black frames for the rendered passes. I amusing a very simple test file (attached) and still can't get this to work. What am I missing?
For the Zdepth, you'll have to adjust the Min and Max values (e.g. a Max of 3000 cm will give you some visible fade from white to grey, but you will need to adjust based on the range you need).
PS - adjustments to the ZDepth will need a restart of IR.
The Velocity pass is currently not working as expected. Right now, Motion Blur needs to be enabled (for object or camera or both) for it to work. This is logged on our tracker so is a known issue that we are working on. Thanks!
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