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Messages - julienbe

Pages: [1]
Same problem for me here.
I'm working on a commercial with a fish in an aquarium. It is practically impossible to use the render elements for post-production because of the refraction of the aquarium glass.


To me, there is no particular way to get a beautiful light. It depends on the subject or the desired mood.
I often start with the use of an HDRI source to get a "general" feeling of the scene.

I agree with your " experimental luck" workflow that you can call instinct in fact.
Sometimes, I realize that the image simply do not "works" even if I have a good lighting source.
This is often true in the print industry for example.


Thank you for your answer Ondra !
I understand that the Denoising feature can't solve the noise on fine details with hair and fur.

Adding a CoronaHairMtl shader to Corona Render was an excellent improvement in 1.7 and a "must have" for VFX artists.
Maybe we can imagine that, in a near future, this shader will be optimized and react more efficiently to noise.

Furthermore, the Denoising feature could blur a little more that specific shader since we can already reduce the amount of filtering.


If I want something that start to look like soft animal fur, i must go for 40 passes. Same results for you guys ?

Indeed, some control over the "fuzziness" or softness of the fur would be great - by a more global denoising filter maybe ?
When you work on some "pixar-like" animated characters, sometimes you need some extra soft effect rather than pure realistic hair rendering where you can see every strand tip.

I have used Corona on many Advertising projects and this is a very very nice (and robust ) render engine.
Since the new 1.7 version I try to understand how the new Corona Hair shader works with noise.

With CoronaHairMtl, the denoising feature doesn't seem to change the aspect of areas where hair and fur is present, while the filtering is much more strong with standard CoronaMtl.
Here you can see some of my tests - 8 passes / 50 sec

How can we acheive this soft look using denoising on hair and fur ?

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