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Messages - Javadevil

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 27
[Max] General Discussion / Re: Trojan?
« on: 2023-11-08, 02:01:59 »
I will do, it seems to have gone for now. I let windows defender take care of it.

[Max] General Discussion / Trojan?
« on: 2023-11-06, 05:13:03 »

Hi Windows defender just came up with this trojan Corona mip map data file? Is this a false positive? Can anyone shed some light on this?

I have notice trees leaves with a double side material, front and back facing, sometimes render lighter. It happens when there is a lot of them, rendering the single tree lots fine, but scatter them and they go pale.
I'll try and grab some screens grabs next time, it happens.


We have the Autodesk Physical Mtl conversion feature request logged.

(Internal ID=484645635)
Thanks Maru I look forward to it.

Gamma 2.2, as Corona itself would need to support OCIO for the OCIO to work.
Thanks Tom I guess that will be in the roadmap?

What color management do we set 3dsmax 2024 too? The new ACES ? or Stick with Gamma 2.2? I'm testing ACES at the moment its darker, more testing to do.


Is there plans to convert 3dsmaxs Physical material to Corona? I receive a lot of sketchup models and on import they using the Physical material.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Scene parsing issues
« on: 2022-02-05, 22:34:38 »
I've had this happen to most of my scenes in the last few months with the last couple of daily builds.
However I had a couple of textures missing, and I think when I created the missing textures the parsing would work.
I am running PARSEC remote desktop, Forest pro, and Pulze Scene manager it could one of them. 
But fixing the missing textures helped this time, time will tell if it fixed it for good.

Will the updated material converter convert 3dsmax's Physical Material to Corona?
Models that I bring in from other Architectural apps default to that. It's such a pain to manually convert them all. Even if it just copied the bitmap paths over to the diffuse channel, I can set the rest of the settings.


Hello Javadevil, thank you very much for your feedback. Conversion of 3ds Max's Physical Material is very high on our "what to do next list", however before adding support for another material to Corona Converter, first we want to make sure conversion of already supported materials works as expected. So currently we mostly focus on simplifying the shading networks, since this is something which troubles lots of early adopters of Corona 7. If everything goes well and we'll manage to address all the issues with currently supported materials, hopefully we would be able to start working on support for Physical Material soon :)

Hi Selene,
Any news on the 3dsmax Physical material convertor?

[Max] I need help! / Re: Parsing
« on: 2021-12-01, 01:40:29 »
Hi John,
Did you find a solution? Are you using Pulze Scene manager?

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: endless parsing scene
« on: 2021-12-01, 01:26:50 »
Hi I am having the same troubles,
I thought it might have been Parsec remote desktop client, but I did end task on it and still had renders stuck on parsing.
I am using Pulze scene manager too, not sure if that has anything to do with it?
I'm running Corona Daily build Nov 5 and it was happening on the previous version of Corona too.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Parsing
« on: 2021-11-01, 21:39:39 »

Can you recommend another RMD? Parsec is really easy to setup

[Max] I need help! / Parsing
« on: 2021-11-01, 02:35:29 »
I've noticed at the end of parsing the scene, corona render just stops rendering, but if I move the Render Setup window or the VFB, just give them a little giggle, it will start rendering.

Corona 7
Windows 10
AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processo 3.90 GHz
64.0 GB

I'm also running Parsec remote desktop.

Is there any news on this? Its a major frustration and time consuming to convert stupid 3dsmax Physical material to Coronas Physical mat.
Even if it was just a simple transfer of bitmaps into the right slots would be enough.


Will the updated material converter convert 3dsmax's Physical Material to Corona?
Models that I bring in from other Architectural apps default to that. It's such a pain to manually convert them all. Even if it just copied the bitmap paths over to the diffuse channel, I can set the rest of the settings.


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