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Topics - Salvatore CDA

Pages: [1]
Hi, I have a crash using the IPR in Cinema 4D. The first render works but after starting the IPR the second time C4D crashes with the Error Corona Release dll
I did some tests and it looks like it is the round corner or the displacement that gives this error.

Unfortunately, I can't send the Bugrapport because the file I'm working on is under a restriction.

If someone had this crash and sent a Bug report and got an answer it would be great if the answer could be shared if possible. Big Thanks

Hi, maybe this question has been posted already but I didn't find an answer. Now ACES Colorspace is the defauld  on in 3DSMax 2025 So when I use Corona Render and the ACES OT is on by default as well, should I still use the Color settings from Max to Standard Gama 2,2, or can I turn the 3DSMax ACES Colorspace on ? what will happen? Will the ACES colorspace applied twice? Thanks for making it clear

General CG Discussion / Chaos Cosmos Assets in other DCC
« on: 2024-01-13, 14:18:48 »
Sorry, I also posted this in the wrong forum part. now here again in the right Forum.

Hi, I have the Chaos Corona Premium Subscription. I'm a Generalist, and I also use different DCCs. Like Houdini. Now, is it allowed to use the Chaos Cosmos Assets and Materials in other DCCs via FBX or as USD?

Thanks for clearing it out

best Salvatore

[C4D] I need help! / C4D OCIO and Corona Render ACES OT
« on: 2023-01-15, 10:54:14 »
Hello everyone, I have an ACES question. New in Cinema 4D 2023 is the Open Color IO Standard and it works as it should with Redshift. But when I render with Chaos Corona, the following question comes up: In Corona Tone mapping there is the ACES OT function. My question now is if C4D and the whole scene has  set up with OpenColor IO , can I still the Corona ACES OT or will it then be added the ACES correction twice? Does the Corona ACES OT only work in the "old" sRGB linear workflow? If so, is the Corona ACES OT useless when use the new C4D 2023 with integrated OCIO. I'm grateful for any help.


I work with 3DSMax at work. in 3DSMax there is a Multi/Sub node. Is it possible to make that node also in Cinema 4D. So the Muli/Sub node is linked to the selection tag ( Polygon selection)

That would be great

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