Chaos Scatter > [Scatter] I need help!
There are doubts about Groups and hierarchies scanning
Hello, may I ask if Groups and hierarchies scanning is not a clustered feature in the forest plugin? I haven't found this feature in Scatter all along
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There is no clustering / clumping functionality in the current Scatter, nor in the update with Corona 12. Instead that is planned as a feature, hopefully for Corona 13 later in the year.
Scattering groups and hierarchies means that you can pick a whole group or hierarchy and it will be scattered as a whole. In the previous versions of Scatter, a group/hierarchy would not act as a whole, but the individual objects would be scattered separately. Here is an example:
--- Quote from: TomG on 2024-06-19, 15:15:39 ---There is no clustering / clumping functionality in the current Scatter, nor in the update with Corona 12. Instead that is planned as a feature, hopefully for Corona 13 later in the year.
--- End quote ---
Thank you for your reply. We are very much looking forward to the future of Corona13 having Clustering functionality
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