General Category > Off-Topic

Corona vfb spinnig smiley face icon

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Hello everyone. Is there a way to extract the animated smiley face icon (the indicator of interactive rendering)? I tried searching the web, tried searching corona and max resources, found nothing.

Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to create a gif on your own.


Nejc Kilar:
Just out of pure curiosity, if you don't mind sharing, why do you need it? :)


--- Quote from: maru on 2023-09-27, 15:28:34 ---:)

--- End quote ---
Thank you very much!

--- Quote from: Nejc Kilar on 2023-09-28, 16:12:52 ---Just out of pure curiosity, if you don't mind sharing, why do you need it? :)

--- End quote ---
I wanted to use it in my nickname in the Telegram messenger. Ended up making one by myself in AE :)


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