Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] General Discussion

Alpha 2 things to watch for


Ludvik Koutny:
Here's a few things you should be aware when using alpha 2:

Mitchell and Lanczos filters are not working. You should avoid using them.

There is a production defaults button in render settings. Press it once everytime you create a new scene, it will set render settings to better starting point (defaults are suitable for debugging, not for actual work).

If you create Corona Sun, dont forget to add CoronaSky into environment slot. Since Corona daylight system has correct physical intensity, you will need to adjust basic exposure settigns accordingly. White multiplier of at least 10, and ideally 25-50 is recommended to clamp daylight intensity to acceptable level. Intensity multiplier 1 is good starting point for interior scenarios, 0,5 for exterior scenarios. These values can be found in Post Processing rollout in render settings.

Direct l. solvers Locally Adaptive and Globally Adaptive are bugged. You should use Simple solver only.

There are multiple BRDF choices in CoronaMTL. Yet you should stick to Ward:

Phong is nearly same as ward, with only difference, that Phong can not handle anisotropy. Phong will not make your metals, or any different kind of materials look better.

Original Ward is quite slow and produces artifacts (high angle darkening) in some cases.

Ashikhmin-Shirley is not yet finished.

So once again, always keep BRDF set to Ward.

I'm pretty sure Ashikhmin-Shirley is finished now.

Ludvik Koutny:

--- Quote from: Javadevil on 2012-09-08, 01:23:36 ---I'm pretty sure Ashikhmin-Shirley is finished now.

--- End quote ---

Yes, it most certainly is. But this message concerns last publicly available build here on the forum, not under-the-table unstable builds ;)

Aaah Okay.



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