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Messages - frv

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Would love to see an update on progress for Apple silicon. I don't see any developments on the roadmap.

Corona is one of the few really good render options we have on Apple hardware icw C4D. The reason I might hang on to Apple for while more. But if Corona isn't going anywere on the new Apple silicon I might give up and go PC/GPU.

So, Corona team, any news to share or an update on what to expect ?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Plants in Corona
« on: 2020-12-14, 01:16:10 »

I have a number of renders with Corona that use virtual memory on a 32Gb 2015 iMac and still getting reasonable speed. So maybe the ssd on these m1 macbook's and mini's will help to render the occasional bigger file.

tx Corona team, I am looking forward to the update for Big Sur. I hope as well that Corona will get a native support and especially before Apple updates iMac's.

I would love to get some updates by the Corona team about Big Sur & Apple's ARM. The new macbook's M1 turn out to be very fast on Geekbench.

I am an architect and Corona/C4D is still one of the best, maybe the only option I have on a Mac. I might just not yet move to PC.

[C4D] General Discussion / OSX Big Sur & ARM
« on: 2020-09-01, 12:04:32 »
I was wondering if Coronarender is preparing for Big Sur and later on ready for the ARM Mac's ?
Cheers Francois

Maybe someone can move my post to WIP/test, did just see that category.

Used elements:
vizpark groundcover (flowers, grass etc)
Quixel megascans for the spade and gravel surface
hdri Peter Guthrie

Mograph + effector randomizer
Corona light material(hdr)+Sky

I did some C4D tests today with groundcover  (Vizpark groundcover) using the "hair tool" and Mograph cloner on a landscape object. Really simple and random placement of about 6 groundcover objects. 

What really worked well in terms of workflow is that the painted hairstrands can be filled with any type and amount of objects using a randomizer to scale and rotate. Afterwords you can still ajust the landscape form and all moves along. Next post I will add a screenshot of the C4D window.
Rendered this one on a 5 year old iMac in about 5 min. A bit noisy but enough to see whats going on....

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona Hair in the beta rc2 5
« on: 2019-11-28, 22:40:09 »
Thats perfect to start with Tx.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona Hair in the beta rc2 5
« on: 2019-11-28, 01:01:12 »
tx Branko for your reply. Also tx for the work on 5. I do feel you all there at Corona work in the right direction. Each release is a big step forward. Reminds me of the days when @Last software still worked on Sketschup.

Darstellungsart is also fantastic. Great grass they made for C4D and Corona.
Laubwerk no longer support C4D with Surface Spread. At least not anymore for R21. They had some plans for it but even R20 was no longer supported. I also think with Mograph part of the regular license for C4D you got all you need.

I had a quick look at the Corona hair object and was just wondering how to set curved random hairs (grass). I will have a look at the video you posted though. Would be great if a few examples were posted of C4D files with grass and a carpet to start with. As a designer you just don't have the time to experiment throught all the options. Maybe that why most architects these days opt for Lumion.
tx again Francois

[C4D] General Discussion / Corona Hair in the beta rc2 5
« on: 2019-11-26, 14:07:45 »
Hi everybody,
mayby there is someone who could set me up with a little beginners guide to get me started making grass or carpets. This for the beta 5 rc 2 for C4D.

You're right. Tx. I should go to bed early these days...

Solved by Frankco, TX.

Hi, I can't install this latest daily build on my iMac OSX 10.14.6
The installer installs in the R20 folder and does not recognize the "Applications/Maxon Cinema 4D R21" folder
R21 is actually differently installed by the Maxon installer in a folder that is named "Maxon Cinema 4D R21" It used to be "Applications/Maxon/Cinema 4D R20"

I tried to manually move the installed Corona Plugin folder from R20 to the R21 plugin folder but it did not work. The plugin in the R20 folder is named corona4dR20.xlib so maybe the installer does not install a R21 compatible plugin in the R20 folder.

Anyhow, hope the team fixes this asap. I feel a little left out now...

Don't see it yet but good news that the promised "soon" has materialised.

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