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Messages - Konichowaa

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[C4D] Feature Requests / Instancing of sun and sky
« on: 2024-05-31, 12:19:59 »
possibility to instance corona sun and sky.
It's possible to instance of course, but the light does not correspond to the original.
Also not working when instancing a parent-null instead of the sun/sky object itself

Making it editable again crashes c4d

thank you for your consideration

[C4D] I need help! / crash on IR when status 'cleaning up'
« on: 2024-05-22, 20:43:25 »
Hi, since a couple days, I'm having trouble rendering in IR.

Cinema crashes when the number of configurated passes is done and the image is in cleaning up phase. if I set to 15, it crashes then showing 'cleaning up',
if I confige in render settings to go to 45 passes, it crashes then showing identical status.
It keeps rendering when set to 0 passes.

It happens only when working while rendering in IR.
So I start C4D, open a project, start rendering IR... all good.
now do anything like changing cameras or adding a boole for some ceiling cutouts, then when it reaches 15 passes: bam, crash

Already restarted my computer, and I have this issue on several projects and also on my colleages pc
I haven't installed anything new in the last weeks

is this a known issue? thanks for any help...

PS: win10 x64, 256GB Ram, AMD threadripper 3990X/3970X corona 11 HF1

I also use TheViewer, but I had no issues with support or the example you give.
In fact, overall, I'm pretty satisfied about it...
I like some of their features such as
- online portal, but after you download the Vrtour to the headset you won't be needing wifi anymore (to go on location)
- floorplan
- shared experience and presenter mode, drawing,...
- use on smartphone-tablet-headset-pc
- integration on the website and sharing links
- customization

must still experience with the zdepth map for morphing between positions

If I may ask Matej, where did it go wrong for you? which internetbrowser did you use to use the portal? Is the refreshing not happening on the portal editor or the headset?
I use chrome and no issues about that for the editor. I also make a low res version first, then replace the images with the final without issues.
But I know the headset needs wifi to refresh the images

[C4D] Feature Requests / Corona camera Lister options
« on: 2024-05-17, 23:13:33 »
maybe add the following to the optional columns in the corona lister cameras tab:

- Film Offset X (I could use this in the camera lister when tweaking all the cameras one by one)
- Film Offset Y
- Focus Distance (Very handy to set driver/set driven in xpresso connecting this to the 'near clipping')

thank you for your consideration

I would like to simulate 3 different types of roof tiles on a house.

The roof has already UV mapping for the first tile which has correct size/mapping.

Is there a way to resize the UV lengths in the material setup of the other 2 materials?

thanks for all tips,


would really help in rendering transparent people wihout seeing backface culling. Now I have to render twice with and without.


please bring back the option to convert c4d materials to legacy materials instead only physical
the option to convert a physical material to a legacy material in the advanced tab.

thank you for your consideration, 

[C4D] I need help! / Re: wire shader angle restriction
« on: 2024-04-10, 11:06:18 »
No I didn't resolve the issue, even when deleting the polygon and reconstructing it with closepolygonhole or bridge tool. At the end, I cleaned it up a bit in photoshop, the new remove tool is bliss :-D ...

so also  +1   

[C4D] I need help! / Re: wire shader angle restriction
« on: 2023-10-06, 14:29:31 »
yes, the same option is available in c4d,
but is was disabled already.
If I enable it, all the boards get an extra diagonal wire edge/triangled, just like your printscreen

I'm attaching a piece of the house where you can see no triangles in viewport but the edge renders (IR/VFB).

Thanks to anyone for help!

[C4D] I need help! / Re: wire shader angle restriction
« on: 2023-10-06, 13:15:07 »
thanks Bengamin, I always used dissolve to do something similar,

but for some triangles, they seem ok (n-gon) in the viewport but render a 'ghost triangle edge'

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Sun & Sky
« on: 2023-10-06, 12:42:43 »
You should also leave the sun and sky at their default values and adjust the exposure instead.

Hi @Beanzvision, this is interesting to me... Is there a difference in quality/colors when (keeping exposure at 0/changing sun-sky intensity) versus (changing exposure/keeping sun-sky intensity at 1) or will the results come out equally?

[C4D] I need help! / wire shader angle restriction
« on: 2023-10-06, 12:30:13 »
Hi, is there a way to restrict the wire shader effect to let's say all 90° angles, and thus not for the triangulation of certain plain surfaces (where untriangulate function doesn't work)?

thanks for any suggestions!

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Can't resize cosmos assets
« on: 2023-05-11, 14:01:35 »
Sorry to drop in this late, but

Can you not put the proxy inside a null and then instance the Null (pressing ALt+G to match the proxy coordinates)?
Then when you rescale the proxy (preferably with the scale tool in object mode), the instances also follow, keeping their individual scale settings (p.e. when you applied random scaling with the c4d randomize objects tool...?

We work like this since... well, ever...
in fact it has become an unwritten rule here in our office :-D

it also provides possibility for other quick adaptations to all instances for offset moving /rotating the instances and adding suick details such as ground spots for trees to name one...

hi Tom, no need for apologies ! ;-)
I will test some more on other projects and see if I get different/faster results...

It's my opinion that with active scatters (large scale) and booleans it will slow down the viewport by a lot. That's why we made an extensive xpresso-driven switchboard in our project template file to enable/disable certain groups of objects (UI0.jpg) and thus keep the viewport fast and tidy. With projectfiles up to 7GB, it's still lightning fast...

You could also try the "Force path tracing" option if time to first pixel is an issue,
did a quicktest on an current project for time to first pixel 1min16 and with force pathe tracing 1min20, so maybe not in all cases faster? Is there a guideline in which situation this should be faster, or when not?
(AMD 3990X TR)

I have grown fond of asset browser too, although I do the standard integration and store the images in asset browser, then when using the objects or materials I relink them to absoluth path on mediadrive (must do that for renderfarm anyhow), but can you store in the asset browser with the links integrity kept absolute to the disc???? I did not manage to do that so far so far and the textures are always linked to asset browser path...

PS:Do you already use the functionality to drag assets from the aset browser directly into the UI toolbars? (ANY asset such as objects/studio environmets/scatters/materials/preferences/render settings preset/...) I just LOVE that feature so much, and made multiple toolbars for even quicker access of stuff I use constantly (UI2 & UI3.jpg)

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