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Topics - frv

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Since Cinema4D with Corona installed (daily build 13) does no longer quit at quitting the app (it stays active in the background) I forget to force quit Cinema4D at the end of the day only to find out at home I can not work with Corona.

Can this bug be resolved so that I no longer have to hassle with the Corona license.

Hope the above makes any sense.
Mac OS 15.3 (24D60)
C4D 25.1.2
corona 13 dec 9

Recently I have been using the shadow catcher to have shadows on my hdri's in my design studies.

Here is a house I designed and did a few renders for. The hdri is
The vegetation is from Maxtree. There is no terrain in this model. Saved me a lot of time.

I noticed that the material radomizer with Cosmos materials can cause problems when I set the material tag to cubic to edit the size of textures.
Is this avoidable in any way or do I need to edit the Cosmos materials for each setting where the randomiser is set.

See attachments.

Tested Coronarender (C4D) versus Twinmotion at the same resolution, same free fbx model from Dimensiva.
I also did a test with the same model in a room with HDRI Cosmos studio lighting.
I did not add the texts in the Coronarender. Was just interested to see if TwinMotion is relatively comparable these days. I think it is. This render did not contain any displacement, the lighting and materials are rather simple. The Coronarender materials where from the plastic presets adjusted for color and transparency.

Gallery / 2025 rendered on a MacBook Air M1 from 2020
« on: 2024-12-22, 18:45:12 »
Did a little 2025 project on my m1 MacBook Air M1 from 2020. 16Gb.
Tried to do something similar with Redshift but Redshift seemed unresponsive most of the time so I gave up.

All modeled in C4D with only Cosmos assets, no postprocessing just straight from CR.

I am surprised to see CR not crashing once,  with IR on most of the time and at final renders even though it swapped about 2Gb memory. Rendering on a MacBook Air M1 without a ventilator hardly getting warm.

A huge advantage of C4D/Coronarender is being able to do work like this on a cheap lightweight laptop still for sale well under a 800€ or new for a few hundred euro more. The file has decals, C4D/2025 booleans, lots of Corona-scatters and proxies for the trees and displacement for the landscape and concrete and is rendered at 3600x3600.

Cheers Francois

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Force quit C4D after render
« on: 2024-12-20, 11:32:56 »
OSX 15.1.1
C4D 25.1.0
CR 13 dec 2024
Mac Studio m1 128Gb.

C4D won't quit after render. The app closes but remains active in the background as not responding. I need to force quit C4D to completely shut it down. Not a real problem but still.

CR13 dec. 2024 seems to work well  so far. Been doing work with it for a few days with Maxtree and Graswald libraries, Corona scatter and C4D's 2025 new Boolean features and I did not crash once.

Interesting and recent statistics by RebusFarm

A few observations:

•CPU/Coronarender at the top ! Could it be that Rebusfarm results are influenced by CPU people that benefit most from a render farm. GPU people most likely don't need a render farm.
•Cinema4D lost some, Rhino too, I think to Blender
•Sketchup lost a lot. Having been using Sketchup a lot in the past, I found Sketchup to be very slow in modelling and texturing. I think that's why it's in decline.
•ArchiCad is growing. I think because it's BIM. Great if you can combine archviz with BIM. Was not a good idea for Corona to drop Archicad.
•Revit should be listed higher being used at such a large scale, probably not a modeller for renders.
•Unreal and twin motion are growing steadily I think since they are free apps
•Lumion lost a lot. Great app but their pricing was not competitive. Don't think they will be around a few years from now.
•Vray lost a lot too. Wonder why, 3ds max is still hot. What are they rendering with ?
•1069 votes and 2% C4D users in decline , that's about 21 C4D users and about 630 3ds users in this study. Hopefully this does not represent the corona-userbase for C4D very well otherwise I can't imagine C4D being supported for much longer. Especially now Redshift is for free with C4D and Redshift has a better integration with its assets in the C4D-asset browser. For people like me on a Mac, corona render/C4D is still the best option though.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Who has the Mac M4 pro or max
« on: 2024-11-11, 01:40:19 »
I would love to see any Coronarender benchmarks with the news Mac's M4.

Test done when I got a Mac Studio 20 M1 cores comparing to my old iMac 4 Intel cores I noticed that render times improved by mostly just by about core count.

Maybe the new 14 or 16 cores M4 would still be slower than the Mac Studio M1 with 6 to 4 cores more. The M4 single core speed is impressive and maybe we get a lot faster scene parsing and times to first pixel

[C4D] Daily Builds / surface scattering density pattern
« on: 2024-11-04, 13:58:39 »
Just saw this, is this new in 13 ?   I like it a lot, works great with vegetation and very easy to set as well.
Could not find any info on it in the manual. Is there any way to set some parameters? like amount and how these density patterns are related to the base scatter object.

There was someone here at the forum who had a small script that deletes all duplicate materials. Very handy when working with Maxtree trees and plants and when using the C4D asset browser.

I lost the script when reinstalling my system so maybe someone still has it. I did a search but could not find it.

I am trying to import the Cosmos assets in to the C4D database system. I got about 600 people models done now. Fairly easy process.

But I tried to put Cosmos Haworth assets in the database and only part of those assets import in C4D 's database.
I duplicate Corona Cosmos proxies to mesh before moving them to C4D database. But still.

I need to do this since the Cosmos browser has its moments and moods and I often get stuck before a deadline.  I would love to move Cosmos assets to a more robust location like the C4D assets browser.

I followed the I instructions but there is no database to copy in the menu, the files to be deleted do not exist, cbservice quit does not help. I have the latest Cosmos and reinstalling does not help either.

I have a fully updated Macbook with the versions mentioned above. My Mac Studio has not been updated yet and I got Cosmos still going there. Would love a one click solution to download all Chaos assets into the C4D database. Cosmos is the wrong direction for Chaos assets for C4D.

I can't get Cosmos to work on my Macbook m1. Tried everything. Version 12 hot fix and 13.
OSX 15.0
C4D 24.5.1 and 25.0.1

Downloaded the latest Cosmos without any luck.
Followed the instructions but nothing.
Tried to send a support ticket but the menu pull downs on the website guided me to a request ticket that left me no option for support on this issue. I am tired of Chaos Cosmos by now so it could be me too.

I am getting scared to update my main system the Mac Studio and crashing it on Cosmos for CR12 and 13. I use Cosmos a lot in current projects and can't afford to be left without so I will stick with C4D 2024 for now.

Any help appreciated. When I start Cosmos I get the window I uploaded as an attachment.

Cosmos browser cannot register the host application.

For now better not to update to the latest C4D2025. I tried the previous solution that worked for C4D2024 and CR13 by uninstalling Cosmos and deleting Cosmos Library files. It does no longer for C4D 2025.

OSX most recent
C4D 2025
CR most recent build 13

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Cannot open the Cosmos Browser
« on: 2024-08-30, 12:51:30 »
Cannot open the Cosmos Browser, because Cosmos Service is not running.

Does anyone know how to get Cosmos working. Had it running before but it seems out of service now.
OSX 14.6.1
C4D 24.5.1
CR 12 hf 1
Mac Studio

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