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Messages - frv

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 30
Tx, great for the update. Hope its fixable.

Since Cinema4D with Corona installed (daily build 13) does no longer quit at quitting the app (it stays active in the background) I forget to force quit Cinema4D at the end of the day only to find out at home I can not work with Corona.

Can this bug be resolved so that I no longer have to hassle with the Corona license.

Hope the above makes any sense.
Mac OS 15.3 (24D60)
C4D 25.1.2
corona 13 dec 9

Recently I have been using the shadow catcher to have shadows on my hdri's in my design studies.

Here is a house I designed and did a few renders for. The hdri is
The vegetation is from Maxtree. There is no terrain in this model. Saved me a lot of time.

Thanks Teo,
I have joined the Chaos Camus Facebook group and waiting for approval. I will have a look at the model when I am allowed in.
Looking forward.

Probably incredably good benchmarks for 500 pounds but 16Gb will be the bottleneck slowing things down a lot depending on your scenes. I was thinking to get a M4 Mini pro but it's max. 64Gb.
I usually need 128Gb with the amount of vegetation I like to render on my M1.

I would not be surprised if the 10 core M4 renders at about the same speed as any other 10 core M-processor.  The core count seems more important than M1 or M4. The M4 has only 4 performance cores though and 6 efficiency cores at lower speed. The M4 pro has 10 performance cores and better cooling.

I noticed that the material radomizer with Cosmos materials can cause problems when I set the material tag to cubic to edit the size of textures.
Is this avoidable in any way or do I need to edit the Cosmos materials for each setting where the randomiser is set.

See attachments.

Hi Stefan,
I know you must have some more experience with TM and CR. I am interested to know your opinion.

I was surprised that TM is already this good. TM rendered in 20 to 30 sec. CR took 10 min. TM does very well with vegatation as I see here at the office. Wonder indeed how well it does with more complex interior scenes. TM exterior scenes are basically as good as it gets even compared with CR as long as you don't need displacement.
Anyhow, TM does seem to solve path tracing rather better than expected even though this scene had only a few colours and transparent plastic materials.

Thanks Teo,
hope the plugin work out. Anyhow, fbx would be great too.

Thanks a lot for sharing these great  images and model.
I am a Cinema4D user and hope to see the FBX as well. I think there is a plugin for Max to export to C4D.
I don't have Max though (Mac user).

Cheers Francois

Gallery / Re: Laurel.
« on: 2025-01-09, 23:05:13 »
Great work. Inspiring as well.
Any chance you would have this model for sale ? I would love to use the furniture in my projects. I can get millions of furniture assets everywhere but very little of this design & quality. A shame really. Most available assets don't do justice to Corona.

Thanks for sharing these images.

Tested Coronarender (C4D) versus Twinmotion at the same resolution, same free fbx model from Dimensiva.
I also did a test with the same model in a room with HDRI Cosmos studio lighting.
I did not add the texts in the Coronarender. Was just interested to see if TwinMotion is relatively comparable these days. I think it is. This render did not contain any displacement, the lighting and materials are rather simple. The Coronarender materials where from the plastic presets adjusted for color and transparency.

Gallery / 2025 rendered on a MacBook Air M1 from 2020
« on: 2024-12-22, 18:45:12 »
Did a little 2025 project on my m1 MacBook Air M1 from 2020. 16Gb.
Tried to do something similar with Redshift but Redshift seemed unresponsive most of the time so I gave up.

All modeled in C4D with only Cosmos assets, no postprocessing just straight from CR.

I am surprised to see CR not crashing once,  with IR on most of the time and at final renders even though it swapped about 2Gb memory. Rendering on a MacBook Air M1 without a ventilator hardly getting warm.

A huge advantage of C4D/Coronarender is being able to do work like this on a cheap lightweight laptop still for sale well under a 800€ or new for a few hundred euro more. The file has decals, C4D/2025 booleans, lots of Corona-scatters and proxies for the trees and displacement for the landscape and concrete and is rendered at 3600x3600.

Cheers Francois

« on: 2024-12-22, 18:30:53 »
Great images, beautiful.

I would love to use these models in my projects. Any chance these models are available as fax or C4D/CR format ?
Cheers Francois

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Chaos Academy
« on: 2024-12-21, 23:53:13 »
Corona is indeed fast in everything but the actual final render. In my case that works better and faster than the other way around.
Redshift is a little underdeveloped for Archviz.
The new Mac are also getting seriously fast. So the render speed is for still images not really an issue as much as it used to be years back.

But the costs for Vectorworks, C4D and CR are getting a bit much. Especially when I get older with less clients or in between jobs I don't want to end up with all my skills lost or keep paying thousands of euros each year.  I have to come up with a solution for that, maybe unreal, blender, twinmotion. Twinmotion does really wel these days, try this with C4D/CR if you can :

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