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Messages - mraw

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[Max] I need help! / VR video- is there a standard?
« on: 2016-12-18, 16:42:26 »
I rendered a 360 over/under sequence with Corona. I converted this to a mov(h264)/mp4.  I use a player called MaxVr and it plays fine on the Rift DK2.
I'm trying to view it on the phone too, but I experience some problems with that. Maybe it's the phone(Acer liquid E79 or something like this- I know this isn't the right device) maybe it's the codec?
I installed a dozen of vr apps. It's either only showing first frame, black or screwed color bars all over place.

Anyway, what would be the best way to share a vr video?(I'm not on facebook- so the fb vr is not an option)

forgive me this stupid question- any advice greatly appreciated...

Hardware / Re: heating with renderings
« on: 2016-12-18, 16:08:25 »
Thanks for the links- really interesting approach. Hopefully I can get some render jobs this winter... and save the heating! ;)

Hardware / heating with renderings
« on: 2016-12-17, 17:14:29 »
I always thought of it as a real cool thing- instead of heating your rooms, just rendering some cool stuff.
Recently my power meter was swapped with a new digital one and I started to be curious how much electricity I actually burn with my render-test.
I got:
I-7-5960X running at 4.0Ghz-PSU corsair rm650i
I-7-3770k running at 3,8(?)Ghz- PSU bequiet  BQT L7 350W
2 nodes double E5-2670(more or less the Juraj-buil) with seasonic g series 650 W

eyeballed 5-6 days 24/7 rendering burnt 175kWh- yes, it was cozy and warm.... :)

Do you guys consider this as 'normal'-numbers?
I read something about the PSU being most efficient at 50% load. My PSUs are obviously too weak, how much impact would a better efficiency have?
I'm really concerned because this 6 days rendering wasn't paid- just tests...

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: Corona for Maya
« on: 2016-12-09, 14:52:58 »
The problem with this talented coders is: usually they have good and well paid jobs.
Honestly: If I would knew someone I would make it my personal mission to persuade her/him to join your team.

[Archive] Chaos Corona for Maya / Re: Corona for Maya
« on: 2016-12-07, 19:03:06 »
Unfortunately I have to cancel my subscription, because my longterm project is over. I am quite happy to return to Maya and forget about shitty Max.
But I will miss Corona. I'm looking at Arnold right now which is a good renderer- no doubt. But in terms of simplicity and speed it is no match for Corona I would dare to say.
I know Corona is meant to be a archviz-renderer. But it could be much more....

[Max] I need help! / Re: EXR default values
« on: 2016-11-17, 22:25:25 »
Isn't there a chance to get an 'unpremultiply'-function( script maybe) for affinity? This should be only a matter of applying the math.
It's not convenient, but for an unpremultiply you could use another software like fusion( depends on the resolution of your image if you are allowed to use the free version)
Or maybe I don't understand the problem?

[Max] I need help! / Re: non homogeneous fog
« on: 2016-11-15, 13:07:10 »
max's fog can produce really nice results- but under it's hood it is a post-effect, right?

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: OnenEXR pases trouble in 1.5
« on: 2016-11-10, 11:04:35 »
Can you make sure that this is the 'broken passes exr'-thing again? There are one or two threads about this here in the forum.
This is a max-bug when saving the exr. It happens in other renderers as well.
Have you tried not checking 'auto add passes', but clicking on 'add' and manually adding your passes?

Gallery / Re: That November mood...
« on: 2016-11-03, 12:30:28 »
Well done! I'd like to mention a few things that came to my mind:
- the leaves on the lawn should be a bit more scattered
- the leaves and flowers in the shadow-area look to bright and saturated to me
- the reflection in the windows look a bit strange, because this single window reflects a blue sky
- the leaves in the foreground: Premultiply-errors?

Me too. Just beautiful.

Hardware / shed some light on PSU calculations
« on: 2016-10-11, 09:14:53 »
Hi guys,
I was used to calculate the Watt of my new PSU by adding the power consumption of the single components plus a generous headroom.
I read here in the forums that you also have the efficiency of the PSU in mind when you plan your next PSU purchase.
Do you mind to shed some light on this?

Gallery / Re: Farol
« on: 2016-09-28, 00:21:09 »
good compositing job, but I think the relationship of sizes are off. characters on the beach are too big. Also the size of the building/the characters there.
Mferster is also right. And... I can't proof it- it's just a feeling. The house looks a bit tilted.

I'm not rendering very heavy scenes, so for me it's not that a big difference.
Transforming vertices seems to be single-threaded- yes. But not secondary GI- what do you mean 'large parts' of it?
Maybe my secGi-calculation is too short and I don't see it switching from single to multi-threading.
I'm using 1.3

If it's for a rendernode you can consider the asus z9pa-d8 as well. You can get it quite cheap

Excuse me to grab the opportunity to share my thoughts about 'Visible in masks' here:
what I always found unpractical: 'Visible in masks' unchecked affects the 'regular' alpha also, which makes it useless for me in quite a number of cases( I'm on 1.3- or do I have missed something here?)

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