Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Bug Reporting
Corona 12 Major Memory Leak
Have you tried using scripts like Stock Model Fixer, SiNi Forensic and Prune Scene?
I always run these 3 scripts everytime after merging any third party model, as I have experienced weird behaviors in the past with 3rd party models (max file size increasing, unusualy long loading time etc...)
Yeh it's none of that, these are models I've used plenty times in the past, i'm literally merging them in from older scenes using Copy/Paste script
Guillaume G.:
Same problem here, my 100GB of ram used entirely at random when I launch IR, forced to regularly kill the process and relaunch max.
Gentlemen, I have set up support tickets for each one of you.
--- Quote from: dj_buckley on 2024-07-11, 07:49:51 ---Yeh it's none of that, these are models I've used plenty times in the past, i'm literally merging them in from older scenes using Copy/Paste script
--- End quote ---
I'd also ask you to check if you have any meshsmooth modifiers on any models in your scene and collapse it. I noticed this with previous version of corona, It happened randomly. in some scenes I had.
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