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Messages - romullus

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 590
[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-19, 22:37:59 »
Should not happen, but it's 3ds Max - expect unexpected :]

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-19, 20:02:11 »
Material IDs can be really useful in your scene too, but first you need to address map channel issue, otherwise you will not be able to advance anywhere.

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-19, 20:00:20 »
I think you might be confusing map channels with material IDs. They are not the same! I think you're not seeing anything in the viewport because your bottle has no map 2 channel. Simply add another UVW map modifier and set its channel to 2, then you start seeing something and adjust things as you need.

#1. Corona colour correct is not linear, if you want to get the same result as with invert in Max's bitmap or output nodes, then you can use curve adjustments in CCC.

#2. If you want metal, then switch Corona physical to metal node. 2-3 IOR is not metal.

#3. what denoising you are using and what image filtering. If that's Corona HQ denoiser, then filtering also should be set to HQ, otherwise it will severely underperform. I didn't notice dependency on material type, but maybe that's because i almost exclusively use Corona physical.

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-19, 12:21:36 »
Sorry, i don't have much time to decipher your scene at the moment, i just took brief glimpse at it and noticed that your label mask is set to 2nd map channel, but your bottle has only one map channel, so the label is unmapped and can't work correctly. You need either set the texture to the channel that exists (channel 1 in your case), or create 2nd map channel on the bottle. Hope that helps.

Gallery / Re: The Cat
« on: 2024-04-18, 18:55:51 »
Glad to hear that. Now the images looks much better!

Gallery / Re: The Cat
« on: 2024-04-18, 12:32:50 »
Unfortunately i can't help you, i don't use cryptomatte, but i think this should not happen. Maybe try to post a new topic in i need help board, or leave a message in this topic and someone more knowledgeable should help you to solve this issue.

Gallery / Re: The Cat
« on: 2024-04-18, 09:59:59 »
That's a cool cat and very nice looking smart materials! But what's with those ugly grey edges? Especially visible on the first couple images.

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-16, 23:44:46 »
Your setup is very similar to mine, with the exception of the label and glass roughness additions in the glass base roughness slot. I'm curious about their function – removing them doesn't seem to affect anything visually beyond making the black background darker. Would you be willing to share your thought process behind including them?

My aim was to alter your setup as little as possible, just enough to make label work with decal. To be honest i would setup everything completely differently, but i didn't want to mess up your workflow and also i don't have much time to invest for this. As for the purpose of the mix map, it's there to enable separate controls for glass and label roughness. I named Corona color nodes accordingly, you can adjust them if you want to change the roughness of said elements.

I will try to to answer your other questions tomorrow or sometime later, it's late night here and i'm desperately lacking good sleep.

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-16, 16:36:31 »
Hmm, it looks like there are some issues with this setup indeed. Corona to this day have troubles with handling complex refractive materials, so it's best to keep it simple to avoid potential issues. I made your glass and label with single material and decal should be working correctly now. You will probably need to fix your UV mapping, or masks, since there are some spillovers here and there, but i think you should be able to handle that on your own.

I might be wrong, but i suspect that the noise level is being evaluated from screen pixels and Corona does not have much clue how much specific object is contributing to the overall noise and thus can't exclude or include it in calculation.

Did you try to save render element to the disk and the view it? Also pay attention to the gamma when saving, i think you need to choose override gamma 1.0, unless you're saving to HDR format.

A fresh setup did the trick. And somehow, if the Distance Shader range has no noise / textures linked, the viewport update is immediate. If there is a noise texture linked, the viewport refreshes after I've disabled and enabled the Scatter. Thanks for your input!

If you can reliably reproduce this behaviour, then consider reporting it as a bug.

[Max] I need help! / Re: mapping help
« on: 2024-04-15, 09:46:56 »
I have attached some images to show this versatility.

Good effort. You may want to try to add gradient ramp to decal material's opacity or displacement channel to smooth out transition between knurled and smooth parts, it's kinda harsh now.

But I am curious as to what other methods you would recommend.

You can do all that without decals by combining several materials, or maps and use several mapping channels to control placement of different elements. It might not be as convenient to use as decals, but on the other hand it's much easier to export such asset to different applications.

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