Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] General Discussion
Envision support
Hi Guys,
i test the beta from Envision which might be pretty interesting. it stated corona 12.1 supports it, but when i export a scene i get several instance errors and missing geometry therefore in the exported render. windows etc missing (c4dinstances and cloners)
i am aware it is a beta but want to report it right away.
the same vrscene file opens ok in vantage.
but it has the same missing elements whebn i open the vrscne in the vrscene loader in vray c4d.
so it seems the vrscene from corona is yet ok with vantage but not with Envision(or vray), just to report.
also i see that many materials from corona exported cannot be edited in Envision (same work, some not, i haven yte found the system behind)
some materials also export wrong from corona to vantage as well as to Envision, in special if a texture slot uses the mix slider value other than 100% (which we use all time)
i hope this helps the developer to ensure a perfect Envision supportand imrpoved Vantage support
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