Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Resolved Bugs

[Maybe a Bug?] Anisotropic reflection on capped cylinders

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Hmm, that central part of a base really looks like a bug. I don't keep track on C4D bugs, so i don't know if it's reported already. Hopefully, someone who do know, will look into this topic and will tell you more about it.


--- Quote from: romullus on 2016-02-19, 09:25:19 ---Hmm, that central part of a base really looks like a bug. I don't keep track on C4D bugs, so i don't know if it's reported already. Hopefully, someone who do know, will look into this topic and will tell you more about it.

--- End quote ---

Okay thanks again, let's just hope someone stops by!

Hi guys,

I've created a bug report for this:
And we'll look into the problem once A5 has been out.

In the meantime, if anyone could try to reproduce the problem, that would be highly appreciated. The more information we get from you, the more effective we can be in resolving the issue.


Jarda, it is already reproduced - the scene is posted at the top of this thread. The same thing happens in 3ds Max version. Switching anisotropy orientation to UVW mode helps a bit, but there are some other strange problems (I don't think this option is available in C4D yet). I am not sure what the expected results look like. It would be great if someone could do similar test in another renderer. This only happens if the mesh is "chamfered" (will happen to chamfer box or chamfer cyl, but not to regular box or cyl). Another strange thing is that the anisotropic highlights are very "faceted".
I will also add this info to your mantis report.

looks like mental ray has some funny problems too


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