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Messages - TomG

Pages: 1 ... 298 299 [300] 301 302 ... 365
This one I believe is already listed as a bug, the devs can say for sure. Anyway, it isn't this way in Max, the IR can be any size, independent of final render - which is usually what you want, as you'll generally need a smaller IR than your final render (especially if your final will be larger than your screen size!)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Rendering a normal A3 image
« on: 2018-02-06, 21:40:24 »
To be honest, not sure on the Region Render - would potentially be harder to reassemble in post as they may not be exact :)

On the Corona and V-Ray memory comparison, are there any multipasses in use for Corona, the LightMix ones in particular?

I do believe there are future memory optimizations planned, in the core, so that should apply to 3ds Max and then C4D - but the devs would need to say for sure.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Rendering a normal A3 image
« on: 2018-02-06, 21:26:01 »
The struggle is usually memory. Every render pass in a multipass render will require more memory, and this grows more significant the larger the resolution. So, you can remove render passes, with particular attention to LightSelect passes, the less of those you can use and still have enough control in LightMix, the better. Denoising also needs more memory, again for every pass it is enabled on (such as LightSelect passes), so you could use "Save Data for Later" and Denoise in the CIE, this may help. Or you could turn off Denoising altogether and simply render for more passes, if memory remains a struggle.

You can then also render in strips, and recombine later in post to give the full final image.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona Multi-Pass
« on: 2018-02-06, 14:07:09 »
Bloom Glare pass is not working at the moment.

First thoughts - is this 3ds Max or C4D? Also, is IR set to force Path Tracing, and the final using UHD Cache?

News / Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D Beta 1 released
« on: 2018-02-05, 17:32:25 »
Corona Renderer for Cinema 4D Beta 1 is out - still free, even for commercial use, while in development.

Full details on

Short summary of main changes since the Alpha:

New Additions
Cinema 4D R19 fully supported
Interactive Rendering now fully supported
Native stacking of materials supported
Shadowcatcher material added
New improved sampler, for less noise in the same number of passes / same time
Dispersion and Subsurface Scattering added to the Corona Material for more realism when required
Render Selected Object functionality added
Resume Render functionality added to VFB and native Picture Viewer
Corona Image Editor added to the installer, for macOS and Windows

LightMix “bake to scene” functionality greatly improved
Team Render now close to fully functional (remaining limitations to be removed in Beta 2)
A LOT of bug fixes!


[Max] I need help! / Re: Refraction depth?
« on: 2018-02-02, 19:47:47 »
Just realized scene was Max 2018, so here it is saved to 2015:

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Team Render very slow?
« on: 2018-02-02, 19:11:43 »
(And of course the usual question - are you sure you have the same version of C4D, of Corona, of TR, and of all plugins, on every machine?)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Team Render very slow?
« on: 2018-02-02, 19:07:51 »
Also, I get completely different results when using Team Render compared to rendering on a single machine. The Team Render looks blown out and the textures seems to be mapped all over. Are there any settings I am missing? My Corona settings are set to ""Automatic" for the Team Render options..

Not able to duplicate so far - can you share the scene, and examples of your results? Are you using a camera, and does it override any of the settings? Is this "TR to PV" or is it using the TR Server to submit the job?


[Max] I need help! / Re: Refraction depth?
« on: 2018-02-02, 18:25:30 »
Here's a quick sample result, and the scene, in case it fits your needs.

[Max] I need help! / Re: Refraction depth?
« on: 2018-02-02, 18:21:55 »
I think with such a small Absorption distance, it's just repeating the absorption calculations so much in a refracted ray (it ends up passing through so much of the material) that it turns black. Since a small bump likely won't affect absorption color too much, simply doing a straight coloring of the Refraction would work better.

If you really really wanted some variation in absorption based on the bump (thought likely it really wouldn't be visible in reality), you could set a larger absorb distance, tweak that with the refraction set to white until you got some color in the bump areas (rather than going black), and mostly clear otherwise, and then tint the Refraction.

BTW, it's not specific to procedural bumps, bitmaps do the same; and displacement does too.

I've encountered this randomly, but never been able to find a set of steps to reproduce it so have never been able to write it up. I usually end up with both sides saying "Not Rendered". If I remember from the last time it happened (sometime this week), I close and restart C4D and it goes away.

[Max] Daily Builds / Re: Daily builds version 2
« on: 2018-02-02, 13:58:21 »
The custom bokeh we have just now is the same wherever it is in the image - this new test, the bokeh varies with where it is in the field of view (just like with a real camera)

[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / Re: Corona Clipper
« on: 2018-02-02, 13:25:13 »
Oh I should say "Version 3 (or above)" - sorry, was posting too quick, the roadmap shows things planned for V3 and later, and we won't know til we get closer to that point which will be V3, which will be later. Just to avoid any future disappointment (and current confusion).

For screen capture, the free OBS (open broadcaster studio) is great and saves as mp4, which can be uploaded for sharing :) Would be a problem if a video showing a bug could not be viewed by the developers for example, if something like Flash was used.

I am not sure what you mean about download to the site - do you mean upload to the forum, or upload via our private uploader (at


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