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Messages - TomG

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 369
News / Chaos Cosmos Update 11 out now
« on: Yesterday at 17:26:30 »
Chaos Cosmos Update 11 brings more than 350 new high-quality 3D models available to all Corona users. We are adding models in the people, vegetation, furniture, accessories, and HRDI categories.

For example, this update adds 190+ high-quality people models by AXYZ and Enscape to help designers and archviz artists create engaging and vibrant visualizations.

Learn more about the new assets and brands added to Chaos Cosmos >>

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Camera Was Removed???
« on: Yesterday at 16:40:36 »
Yes, the fix is in the Corona 12 dailies, if you want to test and use those.

It would indeed be impossible for a sun to render, if there is no such object in the scene. This would suggest it is hidden in some way, or that there is another similar light source somewhere (a V-Ray sun, a Max native sun set up, some other light that is not a sun, an HDRI with bright sun in some override, etc.). Some examples of your renders would be useful, too, just to see what you are getting, as well as a grab of your Corona Sky parameters.

For all things licensing, best to submit a ticket at so it reaches the licensing team direct (on the forums, we have the tech support side, who are not directly involved with licensing). Thanks!

Are you using EXR-IO, the free plugin, to open the EXR in Photoshop? If not, Photoshop doesn't handle EXRs correctly.

Well, there won't be new materials for Corona 12 as such. There will be two things - the Corona Material Library materials inside Cosmos, but those will be the same as you had from the Corona Material Library, so not new :) As an aside, the extra ones that have accidentally showed up and gone again are the V-Ray conversions of the Corona Material Library materials, so these are not extras that V-Ray gets and we don't.

And then there will be some brand new materials, in the next Cosmos update, which will happen before the release of 12 if things go to plan, so you won't need to wait for Corona 12 to see those :)

First step, just to be sure to be using the latest version, is trying HF 2. If some scenes do not crash, worth trying to see what the difference is (do they use certain features, was one created and saved in an older version - might be worth installing HF2, opening the scene, saving it to a new copy, and then loading and trying that new copy).

After that, any crash report would be good, and an example scene that crashes for you, can best be done via ticket for privacy with the scene,

Great to hear! Apologies for those materials making yet another accidental appearance - I did let the Cosmos team know, so hopefully this can be avoided in the future even if it is just for a short time.

Just to double check - I ran Cosmos today and there was an "Update available" bar across the top, so I updated; at which point I could replicate your results and see these materials that ought to be hidden. However, during my test in downloading and importing one of those (to get the "requires V-Ray" error message), ANOTHER update message popped up in the bottom right. On doing that update, the materials again correctly disappeared. Can you see if you have the message that there is another update available and update again please?

BTW I'm on Windows, with Max, so things may be different for you.

You don't need to list them all, just say that they are showing up and give one example (the screenshot from here is fine) :)

Same would apply, "please submit a ticket, with the log file attached as well as the name of the material. The specific message I link to has the documentation on where to find the log file." as this would need to go to the Cosmos team. Thanks!

Archive gathers everything into the one folder you get, including all texture maps etc. So on opening the scene from in there, you open the Asset Tracker (shift T), select everything, and then set the path to point at the one new folder you have.

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Corona Shadow Catcher for interior
« on: 2024-05-20, 18:33:18 »
Not sure what you mean by stopped answering you - was there a ticket number, where you are not receiving any replies? Thanks!

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Low cpu usage (40%)
« on: 2024-05-20, 15:33:43 »
What about with Corona 11, since this is a very very old thread and we've had two versions since then (and about to have a third before too long :) ).

The total noise amount is averaged, but adaptive sampling means Corona puts more processing power into areas that are noisy.

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