Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Daily Builds

Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D daily build - Changelog

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Changes in Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2021-01-22) (

* Added:
* Added Falloff parameter to Wire shader
* Allow to use shader for base color in Wire shader
* Added "Duplicate to Mesh" command to Corona Proxy
* Added options to preserve light, glass or unsupported materials when using material override
* Bump can now be disabled using checkbox in both base and clearcoat channel in Physical material
* Added information note into Shadow catcher material
* Added C4D-independent configuration for HDD limits for Vfb history in preferences
* Added documentation tooltips to Physical Material
* Changed:
* Thin absorption in Physical material was moved from refraction to separate channel
* Fixed:
* Fixed problem with distance shader ignoring distance scale shader when used in MoGraph
* Replaced radio buttons for anisotropy rotation mode with combo box to fix problems with radio buttons in S22/R23
* Fixed problem where refraction, SSS etc were disabled when metal mode was set even though mode was controlled by shader
* Fixed several shortcuts in Corona Vfb on macOS (Command+[arrow,+,-,0,pageup,pagedown])
* Physical material presets are now in correct alphabetical order
* Fixed crash when using displacement in Physical material under layered shader
* Fixed masks propagation in Physical material
* Fixed occasional crashes when rendering animations
Edit: Minimum supported version of macOS was changed to 10.14 (Mojave). For future reference - we'll be supporting last 3 stable versions of macOS.

Changes in Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2021-02-17) (

* Added:
* Added curves support in Color Correct shader
* Automatic linking of Corona Sun to Corona sky based on hierarchy/name similarity
* Re-added reworked Corona Standalone into Corona for Cinema 4D installer (proper export support from plugin will follow in future daily builds)
* Corona Distance shader now supports distance from camera position
* Added information text about loaded image in Corona Bitmap
* Added support for fast mode in RoundEdges shader
* Changed:
* Tweaks in port names in material node editor (metalness in Physical material, Distance scale in Distance shader)
* Improvements in UI behavior in Corona proxy export dialog
* Buttons in Corona Bitmap are now disabled when no bitmap is loaded
* Fixed:
* Fixed problem with "Only active object(s)" grayed out in Corona proxy export when multiple objects were selected
* Fixed problem with render not being saved in TeamRender when path was relative or contained tokens
* Fixed problem with Acceleration structure in Development/Experimental settings not showing correct default value
* Fixed problem with environent visibility overrides not working on macOS
* Fixed Team Render Server crashes when starting multiple single-image renders using web UI
* Fixed bug in Team Render causing lower effeciency when rendering more complex scenes
* Fixed viewport preview of LayeredMtl when using with submaterials other than legacy (e.g. Physical material)
* Fixed problem with unusable parts of UI when some Corona material containing C4D bitmap referenced missing asset

Changes in Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2021-03-31) (

* Added:
* Added "Object ID" to supported modes in render selected
* Added "Include children" option to LightSelect pass in multipass
* "Setup interractive LightMix" now correctly handles grouping of lights both using hierarchy or by instancing
* Changed:
* Physical material
* If clearcoat bump shader is not supplied, clear coat does not use any bump-mapping (previously it used bump shader from base layer)
* Added accurate Fresnel for metals using edge color
* Moved translucency to a separate tab and added an option to alter translucency color
* Modified presets to use edge + base color based on metal complex IOR, lowered some high albedo values
* Shaders in value-based material properties like glossiness or radii are now multiplied with amount (Skin material, Hair material and Shadow Catcher)
* Unified usage of percent in materials UI for parameters like glossiness
* Corona proxy now inherits position of original object when created using "Pick from scene"
* Removed legacy solvers in development/experimental tab in render settings
* After few first passes, we now render the image in 32x32 pixel buckets. 5% speedup on average, up to 15% in some scenes.
* Fixed:
* Fixed problem with cache previsualization showing in render result in Team Render
* Fixed typos in preset names in Physical material
* Fixed incorrect minimum value for contrast in Corona Camera
* Corona Distance shader now supports distance from Corona Proxy
* Fixed Corona Sky's UI which depicted slightly incorrect slider values
* Fixed problem with other application gaining focus after closing "Interactive LightMix setup" dialog
See our blog article which explores the new material in depth:

Changes in Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2021-04-16) (

* Added:
* Added VolumeGrid
* Added support for S24
* Changed:
* Tweaks in rendering of buckets
* Saving image from Corona VFB now also saves render stamp
* Fixed:
* Fixed problem with "Render selected" not being updated in IR after changing objects hierarchy or object ID
* Fixed "Render selected" in object ID mode not respecting disabled "Inherit object buffer IDs from parent"
* Fixed regression causing performance problems in previous daily build
NOTE: We are aware of a problem with excessive NaNs reported by some users on macOS. We are working on resolving this issue, but we wanted to release a new version with S24 support as soon as possible.

Changes in Corona Renderer 7 for Cinema 4D (Daily Build 2021-05-05) (

* Added:
* Added complex IOR support for metals in Physical material (Advanced tab)
* Changed:
* Corona Proxy will export picked object without rotation
* Updated Intel Open Image Denoiser to version 1.3.0
* Fixed:
* Fixed occasional NaNs in bump in some scenes
* Fixed possible NaNs when rendering Skin and Hair materials
* Fixed problems with NaNs caused by some scenes with degenerated matrix
* Fixed occasional crashes when rendering Corona Layered material
* Fixed crash in Corona bitmap when changing tiling mode without loaded bitmap
* MacOS version should now work again on some older CPUs


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