Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] Daily Builds => Topic started by: ficdogg on 2020-08-09, 17:56:27

Title: Reflections in ID bug
Post by: ficdogg on 2020-08-09, 17:56:27
So I've been trying to set this up but I ran into two issues. One it doesn't work at all with some imported CAD models(which I cant share), but CAD models are often odd so it's something I've got to live with.
The second one is a phantom disc appearing seemingly random. I recreated the problem with a sphere with some holes punched in it and a cube catching reflections. As I change the difuse color closer to white at some point a disc occluding the reflections appears.

Corona 6RC2
Title: Re: Reflections in ID bug
Post by: Beanzvision on 2020-08-10, 17:02:24
Hi, thanks for the file. That's pretty strange and I'm not entirely sure what is going on here so we will need to investigate further.

For internal use: (Internal ID=547634112)