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Corona for 1 additional software

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Cinema 4D

I am new to this forum and to corona but its amazing. I personally just feel limited with 3ds max (maya, rhino & modo user).
I just really agree with those who thinks modo and corona would be a perfect match!! I have used modo since 301 and I love it wonderful modeller. But the renderer always lets me down and i think all the people who are trying to make high quality archviz.. exterior and interior shots with modo feels the same... total disappointment.
Foundry is pushing modo towards studios and new users and its in general very exciting times we just need a renderer like corona.


--- Quote from: MastStudio on 2014-01-14, 13:55:36 ---I am new to this forum and to corona but its amazing. I personally just feel limited with 3ds max (maya, rhino & modo user).
I just really agree with those who thinks modo and corona would be a perfect match!! I have used modo since 301 and I love it wonderful modeller. But the renderer always lets me down and i think all the people who are trying to make high quality archviz.. exterior and interior shots with modo feels the same... total disappointment.
Foundry is pushing modo towards studios and new users and its in general very exciting times we just need a renderer like corona.

--- End quote ---

I agree that Modo would have been the better option over C4D. I wish you did not feel that 3ds Max was limiting, it may be old and not the prettiest on the block, but it is a beast to get so many different types of work done, and fast! It worries me a bit how people think of Max. I have used C4D and love the interface, but it is no replacement for Max.

But back to Modo. It has the better chance for Archvis/product desing users that is for sure, and the partner ship with the Foundry is huge.

MODO - it lacks a high quality render engine.

Cinema has vray - what they need corona for ? Okay I know ;] everyone these times wants corona. But Corona for Modo wouldt have any competition - modo doesnt have vray plugin. Corona would be the only choice for modo

not only cinema has vray... Maya has vray too.. the point is not witch software has others engines to render. The point is corona is just superior.. so we want it in cinema4d, maya etc etc


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