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Messages - muoto

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I tend to do most of the settings in the VFB, often no PS at all. So the more i can do, the better
I also made my own lut's to have more subtle control of the gamma curve, and gamut, and colors. But it's a bit a pain this try and error process.
Ocio support would be great also.

i think DR uses the memory it needs according to the scene you send. How's the CPU usage on the slaves ? Because if they are at 100%, it should be OK

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: ocio color management
« on: 2021-12-10, 08:59:59 »
+1 for ocio support ! (even if not full aces workflow)

With latest daily, Drserver.exe often crashes on my slaves. It didn't happen on v7.

globally, DR seems to be half working (cpu working at half speed, total passes remains strangely low etc)

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Tonemapping - Plz Halp
« on: 2021-12-01, 13:19:04 »
Hello Piotrus,

how did you generated those lut's ? any specific software ?


[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: endless parsing scene
« on: 2021-12-01, 10:32:12 »
Same here (latest v7 hf), i have to make sure I remain on the 3dsmax render dialog to have the parsing going on, otherwise it remains stuck. (If i switch to another soft while parsing, it remains like this forever)
I have some Xrefs scenes with FP and RC in this particular scene, maybe its that ?

[Max] I need help! / Re: strong banding when saving
« on: 2021-11-23, 11:52:35 »
isn't that problematic that what you see in the vfb isn't saved correctly ? Anyway, even if the data in the vfb is linear, the image is still 8bit on your screen, no ?

[Max] I need help! / strong banding when saving
« on: 2021-11-20, 12:06:25 »

i have very strong banding effects on subtle coronasky gradients when i save as JPG (or tiff 8bit) which are not at all visible in the VFB.

i tried with or without luts, its the same.

when i save as 32bit exr, and then convert in PS, it's OK.

Any ideas ?


(max2022 cororna 7 latest release)

ps: attached screenshot, left is the saved jpg, right the VFB (some obvious small jpg compression also while posting, but still... and strangely the color is a little off as well !

[Max] I need help! / Re: invisible in reflections ?
« on: 2021-10-06, 08:36:14 »
yes indeed I knew that one ;)

[Max] I need help! / Re: invisible in reflections ?
« on: 2021-10-05, 17:23:39 »
yes, you can force for one material. But if i want to be for all the reflecting materials, it's a bit annoying to set up, no ?

i was thinking about the option in vray_proprties where you can just tick the 'invisible to reflection' on a object, and it applies to all the materials

[Max] I need help! / invisible in reflections ?
« on: 2021-10-05, 15:55:32 »

is it possible to set up an object, or a material, to be invisible in reflections, while being visible in the render and in the refractions .


[Max] General Discussion / Re: Distributed rendering
« on: 2021-07-26, 11:11:14 »
thanks for the feedback. Noted for the DR sync time and size.

Concerning the maps, i have all my maps on a shared mapped network drive accross my different work sites, so i was wondering if each time the maps where sent over from the main workstation to the slaves, or if each slave was checking "locally" on the shared drive. (i used to work on vray, where the option is clearly visible, that's why i had the question)

[Max] General Discussion / Distributed rendering
« on: 2021-07-24, 11:10:45 »

I got 2 questions about DR in Corona7 :

- is there a setting somewhere to include, or not, the maps when sending out the job to the render nodes ?
- would it be possible to send over the calculated data from the render nodes "over the fly", and not at the end of the render in order to speed to the compilation of the render data ?


Can you (it seems not) use a layered mtl with different displacement maps set up in the sub materials ? It seems only the basemtl has the displacement visible, and not the ones from the layered ones. (Would be usefull to mix several materials that have different displacement maps)

Are there any kind of workflow scripts that automatically import and arrange pbr materials (let's say pbr materials from cc0textures) into the new physicalmaterial from corona ?

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