yes after the holidays i can select you someexamples,basicalyit not work sinmny scenarios for me(2,5 d)
we use displacement inmanymaterials,often slightlybut it does lookalot better thannormalmaps. there with 2.5 d i always get a line where the displacement look changes,like it swicthes from real displaceent to normalmap or somelike this, but very visible.
then we also often have isues with fine displacment lineslike for roofs, smal gaps in facades etc.
i under stand the concept and iea and it is great,so i hopeyou can fix it, the vray 2d displacment for examplewealso use altime,it is similr speed and doesn produce these artifacts. i hope the 2,5 displacement in corona goes in tat direction, as i prefer corona im mean wile over vray in certain tasks, so keep on going the good work and nice implementation into c4d!:)