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Messages - Chya

Pages: [1]
[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Downward compatibility
« on: 2021-04-07, 12:35:43 »
Hi all,
Isn't there any solution to reconvert a scene to an old (5 hotfix 2) version..?
There's a way, a workflow or workaround to recover scene geometry and animation at least..?

The newest stable version (6 hotfix 1) is very buggy.
Tried to render animation and constant lights are inexplicably unstable.
Attachment files are 3 consecutive frames of a moving camera.

The Above Problem appears to be due to LUT Correction at render time not applied in some random frame.
I had the same problem even @ RebusFarm that are use Corona Version 6.
is this a V6 knowing issue..?

Thank Beanzvision for the reply,

this workaround is however a solution...!!! :-)
then there are no more problems (or headaches)...

it would be a big problem to have to give up the engine or the farm...

we hope for better improvements and fewer obstacles with next releases.
Thanks again
Happy Rendering

Hi All,
I'm currently still working with Corona v5 hotfix 2, I've tried the newest v6 hotfix 1 but I find it somehow buggy and then downgraded. I haven't afforded other tests because I'm in the middle of a project.

Corona Shared Material doesn't work with Corona on Rebusfarm (team render)

I' haven't faced the "Corona Shared Material Problem" since now, Rendering on my own machine, but I've to deal with this because I need to render my project on RebusFarm.

I'm Asking for help to figure out workaround to let render flow without obstacles.

Was this problem solved in later versions, official or daily builds..? even if RebusFarm doesn't support it?
What's the actual state..?

and above all...

Are all the nodes whose inputs are being transformed in "Corona Shared" any time I share an output port of source nodes..?
Is it sufficient to make all the nodes unique to avoid the problem..?
Did I misunderstand..?
I’m missing something..?

Many thanks in advance
Happy Rendering

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Downward compatibility
« on: 2020-12-16, 15:41:07 »
hi beanzvision,
thanks for the reply
I didn't, now I'm in a hurry to recover my work, lately, I'll surely check it.

Hi all,
I've managed to recover scene geometry and animation.

Because of "the new node system saves data in a different format;", I disabled Corona plugin renaming a dll, started C4D without the plugin, opened the scene, and removed all materials.

Re-enabling Corona, the scene opened, without materials, but successfully.
Hope will help someone else waiting for a more stable version.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Downward compatibility
« on: 2020-12-16, 09:21:46 »
Hi all,
Isn't there any solution to reconvert a scene to an old (5 hotfix 2) version..?
There's a way, a workflow or workaround to recover scene geometry and animation at least..?

The newest stable version (6 hotfix 1) is very buggy.
Tried to render animation and constant lights are inexplicably unstable.
Attachment files are 3 consecutive frames of a moving camera.

Hi again,
Neither "Actual Frame Number" Token (%n) works

It doesn't print an error in that case, it doesn't print anything.


Hi Devs,

Just insert the "Current Resolution" Token in Render Stamp and Render (even in IPR),
it prints "ERROR: Unknown placeholder %r"

Full-speed non-debug version
Build timestamp: Oct 15 2018 14:14:39
Version: B2 rc 3 (core 3 (DailyBuild Oct 15 2018))
Cinema version: CINEMA 4D Studio R18.057 S

Pages: [1]