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old kitchen
how can i improve my sence thx
I think it looks really nice. A couple issues with materials...the plaster walls look way too textured as well as the metal on the stove. And the table cloth looks a bit too stiff and the material could be better.
Composition use the same decanter twice. I would get rid of one. You have a basket of eggs on the shelf, that is not a logical place. I would probably get rid of the decanter and bottle of booze on the counter and replace with the basket of eggs and change the pot on the stove to a pan to hint at a purpose for the eggs. Your pot holders are identical, I would vary them a bit. Black hanging utensils are dead, I would make them wooden. I don't know what some of those other hanging things are. I would probably get rid of the drink strainer, for most people that is not an everyday item. Not sure about the shelf above the stove all together, that would be a bit of a hazard. I would probably get rid of that as well as all those items an move the bottom shelf and the hanging items down a bit. The counter needs beveled. There is a weird green crack in the ceiling. I would probably move one of the chairs to the side of the table and turned somewhat towards the camera and slide the other chair over a bit, it's more inviting to draw the viewer in.
Every picture tells a story. The person who inhabits this space likes to drink (a lot), and likes formal dining, has a kitchen in somewhat disrepair but can afford a modern stove and nice dining furniture. It's not an entirely unrealistic story just a bit abnormal. Of course everything is arguable and in my opinion. I am more of a traditionalist style wise.
Thank you, everything you mentioned is correct and I thank you again
The highlights are too bright and the shadows are too dark. :)
I have a few as well:
1. I think contrast is too high (there are burned areas and pure black areas);
2. I think texture on a wall is low quality/mapping is too big;
3. You should definitely randomize texture on a cabinet - it looks unrealistic. The direction of wood on the corner is bad and texture mapping is same on drawer, doors and bottom horizontal part;
4. You can try and introducing a little bit ob bloom and glare;
5. Tablecloth looks a little bit off - maybe try another model?
6. Some elements are too saturated (shelfs, green bottle);
7. Some objects miss textures/reflection layer (eg. spatulas, books on windowsill);
I think you use pure white and pure black as diffuse on some materials - in current Corona with PBR materials I believe you should stick to something around 40-230 range (40 - really black and 230 - white as snow).
I really like floor texture!
Can you show us final/improved version?
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