Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Feature Requests

Corona Image Editor - merge multiple cxr


Hi there,

does anybody knows if it's possible to merge two or more cxr's like these were layers? I mean that I've got one general image (as CXR) and second image is for example a region (suppose I had to change something in the scene). Can I combine these two in one CXR? I know that each image may have different metadata (like different LUT's or tonemapping) but If I'll keep the same default settings for both images (general and region) I wish to have some tool to merge these two together. "Merge" option in CIE is designed for completely different purpose so I'm stuck.


Hi, I don't think this is possible now, as the new region would have to be merged with all the extra render elements (for denoising and lightmix). I tried that, but failed
Moving to feature requests.


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