hey Glen!
thanks a lot for reply :) (and for your efforts)
If I can contribute in any way, please let me know!
I am getting deep into the corona/blender thing at the moment being a long time max-user, but this combo really felt a bit like a revelation.
I feel - if these two things I just mentioned work - at least for my use (arch-viz) - It would be just perfect.
mass-instancing all the past was always the biggest concern that made me stick to max - but really: if your exporter would export like that shown in my screenshot it would
practically be your corona-scatter implementation.
it is crazy - the way it works right now writing the scn file and compiling the geometry takes long time, whilst using the corona-scatter syntax-method the rendering starts virtually immediately.
I can send you my scn files to compare if you like :D
kind regards!