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Topics - Luke_Wilkins_3d

Pages: [1]
[Max] Bug Reporting / Corona and Realflow - Wouldn't bother.
« on: 2016-08-02, 11:36:41 »
So, realflow and corona have real problems getting on.

Especially rendering and using the VFB. Can't render animation sequences without using the script, which is also buggy as hell. Another thing is the VBF... can't use that with realflow animations for some reason.

[Max] General Discussion / Corona is Unstable.
« on: 2016-02-05, 10:28:45 »
Ok after a year of using this, I now realize this render has hidden anomalies that when they occur, you're going to get really Pissed off. I really can't even be bothered to list them all.

So yeah. Downloaded the latest update. Now all my files have a different exposure setting. Even when I correct the exposure, nothing happens, how the hell can I even explain this problem. ??

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