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Topics - Bondra

Pages: [1]
Can someone explain why the brightness between the original bitmap and the one in the scene differs? Settings are default and the material I'm using for the backplate is a light material. I sure can tweak the settings to get them more alike but is this really needed? Shouldn't the light material in this case pretty much show the original image as is?

This is what it looks like:

So I have a logotype that I want to be able to project onto different areas/surfaces. But only as a bump map.
These are the results I'm getting. And the one I'm aiming for is number 3. Can this be achieved?

I cannot get my head around how to preview a material which has a displacement map applied to it? I only see it in IR which makes it a bit difficult to come up with a proper material :)

This is what it looks like. The material preview should at least display the displacement I think?

I often work with isolated objects when modeling to prevent my computer from getting too slow. This approach doesn't work too well when previewing the isolated object/material. I have a CoronaSky with parameters that are adjusted to the scene as a whole, not with a single object. So the result gets overexposed. Which is an expected behavior of course.

Long story short. Is it possible to use some sort of a standard light/hdri when working with isolated objects?


I'm about to buy new hardware, mainly to get a better experience with the interactive render. Like the workflow of seeing the real deal. Now it takes a couple of seconds for each update interval which is pretty annoying.

I have a budget of approx $2000 which include CPU, GPU, ram and motherboard. I'm a bit worried that it won't make a big difference though. Maybe you can share your hardware setup that you're satisfied within that price range?

My setup is very old and everything will be better no matter what. But I'm not in need of this upgrade unless the interactive render won't be better lol :P

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