Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!
[Solved] distortions of a model
I've enountered this problem before, sometimes opening scene in max effects it weird distortions on a particular model. Usually resetting scene or turning down\on max helps but I came upon this problem:
The mesh is clean, double checkeck...any ide whats causting these distortons?
The model should be clean and smooth except the bevels inside ofc.
I worked on this scenes for 2 days and everything was ok, then I opened a scene and the model is weird...merging original model doesn't help... any idea?
Attaching the good model, I know most of you guys would say that it's the mesh problem but the mesh is totally the same, replaced from the original.
distorted model
This looks like bump/normal, or displacement map. You can try to disable those maps and see if distortions are gone. After you establish cause of the issue, you can work on steps of eliminating it.
Can you show wires for both? I agree with Romullus that it looks just like a bump/normal/displacement texture.
yes that was it, thanks guys
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