Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!
[solved] License Server needs continual re-installation.
I did a quick search and I found a VRAY license fix which seems to have the similar instructions to the Corona fix that I found online... however the issue remains. Every time I restart my PC it appears that I need to re-install the license server.
This appears to have happened right around the time of the new license server download request and for when I cancelled my monthly subscription and moved over to my new annual one that I purchased.
Obviously re-installing the license server every time isn't the end of the world. I could flat out just not work and that would be far worse! However, this is not ideal.
I can not connect directly to the 124.0.01 (whatever is) page, I get a screen that tells me the server has refused my connection or it just can't simply connect.
Any ideas and suggestions welcomed.
Just to add.
I've also tried reinstalling Corona as a whole, still the same problem.
I'll go ahead and email support directly and report back anything that may be of help to others.
Do you log on to your pc with different accounts? This is what happens to me a lot. I work from home and y daughter also uses my pc with her own account. Every time she uses my pc i have to reinstall the license server.
For license related issues, it would be best to reach out to us by starting a ticket from here:
Sorry its taken me a while to post back on here, I had no idea that I had some responses.
Not sure if I can give the persons name who helped me out... however they were great, really helpful and very patient.
What appeared to be my particular issue was the installation of CCleaner. Apparently "optimisers" are not really optimal!
So yeah, if you're having issues that don't seem to resolve, it may be worth just checking to see if you're running something like CCleaner and just getting rid of that.
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