Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] I need help!
Corona 12 update 1 have an issue with scatering lights in forest pack.
Hello, I've just started with the new update but i realized that all the light instances scattered with forest pack are not rendering. these are indeed being scattedered but are not emitting any light. I wish to know if this is a problem with the update or is up to Itoo Soft to solve.
I was able to reproduce this issue on my end and have logged it in our system to be further reviewed by our devs. As a workaround for now, please try using Chaos Scatter as this works fine.
(Report ID=CMAX-1409)
Thank you Avi,
this might be ok for new projects, but with older ones fully set up for in building illumination its better to use corona 12 hotfix 1.
Hope this will be resolved soon - as i like the speed of "production upscaling"
--- Quote from: Avi on 2024-11-22, 15:07:49 ---Hi,
I was able to reproduce this issue on my end and have logged it in our system to be further reviewed by our devs. As a workaround for now, please try using Chaos Scatter as this works fine.
(Report ID=CMAX-1409)
--- End quote ---
Hello there,
I am facing same problem with distributed corona lights over Forestpack.
May I ask that did you come across to an answer?
PS: Using Cscatter not an option on this particular usage.
By the way just de-updated:
from (Latest) chaos-corona-12-update-1-3dsmax
and distributed lights seem like work properly.
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