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Chaos Corona 12, update 1 — now available
Teodora Mircheva:
Chaos Corona 12, update 1 released for both 3ds Max & Cinema 4D
Corona 12, update 1 introduces powerful new features to get you render-ready faster than ever. Unlock new levels of speed and collaboration, deliver immersive client experiences, and achieve stunning photorealism with greater ease.
Full details and download:
What's new in Corona 12, update 1:
* Corona to Vantage Live Link. Take advantage of Vantage Live Link as an alternative to Interactive Rendering.
* Chaos Cloud Collaboration. Easily share images with your clients, sending them right from the VFB, then discuss changes via markup, send deliverables, set up Virtual Tours, and open the door to much more in the future.
* Faster Caustics. Caustics now look around twice as good in the same rendering time.
* Caustics Multiplier. Enjoy a quick and easy way to adjust how bright caustics are in your final render, controlling on surfaces and in volumes separately.
* Volumetric Caustics. See reflected and refracted rays generated by caustics as they pass through volume materials.
* Auto Exposure and White Balance. Have your exposure or white balance auto-adjust for a good starting point, or adapt to changing lighting during animations. White Balance has also been improved with a new algorithm for more pleasing results.
* Image Upscaling. Speed up creating test renders by around four times, and add extra responsiveness to IR.
* And much more!
Read about this release in detail at
Webinar: Real-time scene exploration and collaboration with Corona 12, update 1
Join our live webinar to explore how the new Corona to Vantage Live Link enables real-time scene exploration and image rendering in seconds. Discover how to collaborate efficiently with clients and impress them with immersive virtual tours—all powered by Cloud Collaboration. We’ll also cover other exciting new features in update 1, including Caustics through volumes, automatic Exposure and White Balance, AI image upscaling, and more.
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