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Messages - shane_w

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Yes, it would be great to get the display tag working in the interactive render.  More importantly it needs to work with opacity set to something other that 0% or 100% in the regular renderer.  Corona is no practical way to fade out a complete object that has multiple materials.


[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Render region with Team render
« on: 2019-07-22, 21:53:56 »
You can use Cinema's render region for this.


[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: C4D Opacity Tag
« on: 2019-07-17, 15:40:04 »
Bumping this as it would be a super helpful if Corona could support fading in the display tag.


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona opacity/fade
« on: 2019-07-17, 15:36:47 »
@ iacdxb this is only a viable option for VERY simple scenes as you are essentially animating the alpha channel.  Imagine more of a real situation with 10 different objects with ten materials each.  This would require 100 materials to fade out the objects separately.

@ daveclive You will need to render twice with frames overlapping the time you would like the fade to occur.

Example:  frames 0-100 with your fridge frames 70-200 without your fridge > overlap in your video editor and fade them together creating a 1 second frame @ 30fps.

I wish the display tag supported this as it would make some projects so much easier.


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Animation in Corona
« on: 2019-07-04, 03:40:39 »
To have a random noise pattern during animation you need to go to Performance Settings > Lock sampling pattern and un check it.  This will give you a much more natural noise as it isn't "stuck" to the screen.


Do you by chance have a Corona material in your start-up file?  Maybe try saving a new start-up file.


Nice!  Looks like the slowdown is gone.

Fantastic work Corona Team!



I am experiencing slow start-ups and very slow material previews again on OS X with rc4.


I agree, region render is not very useful for us in it's current implementation.  For something with multiple regions that are complicated I would get them setup and hit render.  Now whenever you hit render they are removed and you need to start the process over again. 



Render region is still not working correctly in RC2.  It clears the region in-between renders.  Or if you create a region and start rendering it clearers it out and must be re-created.


Hi Tom, can you explain the logic behind the "render perfect" check box in the light settings?  Why use it and why you wouldn't?



I haven't had much time to play but the material freezing seems to be completely gone!



Sounds great.

Do you know if the freezing during material creation/editing in the last two dailies has been addressed?

(reply #50, #76 in this thread)



Hi Shane! We are not experiencing any freezes on our Mac machines. Could you provide us with more information? A video would be nice for starters.

Also, when the C4D is hanging, could you send us the result of "View" -> "Sample process" in the "Activity monitor" for the C4D process?
It might also be the result of some other plugin conflicting with C4D. What other plugins do you have installed? Edit: I just read your previous post, where you said that you uninstalled all the plugins and the material creation is still slow for you. In that case, the sample of the process would be great!


Hi Houska, attached is a video of the issue and a process sample.



Hi Houska, were you guys able to reproduce the freezing or get any clues from the process sample?  Do you need any further info from me to troubleshoot?



[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Fade an object
« on: 2019-04-30, 04:04:31 »
Imagine a product animation like a computer mouse where you are revealing the inner working of something.  You fade the cover away, fade the buttons away, fade the mouse wheel, fade the switches, fade the circuit board.  This creates hundreds of extra frames that need to be rendered, a complicated rendering process or takes, extra compositing time etc.  Fading the objects with Corona would make the process so much easier.


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Fade an object
« on: 2019-04-25, 17:08:10 »

I am hoping the display tag can be supported or there is a good workaround.


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