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Topics - shane_w

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When using interactive rendering objects with a Cinema Display tag set to zero visibility still render.



[C4D] Resolved Feature Requests / ies files
« on: 2018-02-07, 20:32:26 »
It seems ies files are not included when saving project with assets for Team Render.  Would it be possible for them to be included in the Tex folder along with other textures?



When rendering using Team Render Server I get missing lut files.

I think this is because on the Mac they are installed in the library folder and my client machines don't have access.  I know this could probably be solved but running the installer on all clients (I currently just copy the plugin folder to client machines).  This would be a huge pain.  Or I could copy the luts to the library folders on all clients.  Also a pain.

Would moving the Lut files into the plugin folder be an option?  Or when using save project with assets could the Lut file be included with other assets in the TEX folder?



[C4D] Resolved Bugs / A few items that are not working
« on: 2018-01-26, 02:44:46 »
Display tag:
Standard render: Display tag visibility currently only works as an on/off switch.  0%  = invisible 1% > = completely visible.  It would be great to be able to fade objects in and out.
IR: Display tag visibility does not seem to be working.

Could a visibility percentage slider in the Corona compositing tag be a possibility?  Is it possible to fade out objects in Corona for 3dsMax?

Material advanced settings:
All the Visibility options don't seem to be working.  Visible directly, Visible in reflections, Visible in refractions etc.



[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Crash before rendering starts
« on: 2017-10-10, 22:48:32 »
I have been getting this crash a lot.  It happens just before the renderings starts, seem to only happen after rendering a few times.  This is not using interactive rendering.  Crash reports included.

Mac OS X 10.12.6
Cinema R19

TeamRender has been extremely unreliable using Corona over the past few releases.  I don't know if something has changed in the builds or on my system but I have problems running even the simplest jobs. Projects run perfectly with the native render and Vray.  Projects seem to fail near the end and usually can be restarted multiple times to get it to finish.  Previous builds would crash the clients but I don't see that anymore with 08-29 build they just drop the job, all clients go idle reporting the same error.

(Error) Render-Job failed: Rendering stopped because of an out-of-memory or unknown error
2017/08/29 13:58:22  Cancelled because all attending machines failed
2017/08/29 13:58:22  Render Failed

I have re-installed the server and clients, re-installed Corona, removed all plugins and Vray.  I even rolled everything back to a previous build that used to work flawlessly.  Nothing seems to help fix the issue, It worked very well until about a month ago and I have not been able to sort out what has changed.

system specs:
1 machine running Server app
8 render machines running client app
TeamRender 18.057
Corona 08-29-2017
OS X 10.12.6

Any ideas or suggestion would be appreciated.



[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Simple particle + motion blur = crash
« on: 2017-05-31, 18:56:22 »
I have attached a simple scene that will crash every time for me.  It works correctly if I don't use object motion blur.  It will also render without crashing if I enable render instances in the emitter but it does not render correctly with that option enabled.



[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Round edge shader jaggies
« on: 2017-05-24, 20:18:42 »
I just had to re-render an older scene and noticed that the round edges map is behaving badly in the current build.


[C4D] Resolved Bugs / TeamRender clients all crashing
« on: 2017-05-05, 16:21:10 »
I rendered almost 700 frames of an animation without any problems but now all 8 of my farm computers are crashing trying to render the remaining 3 frames.  I have attached crash reports from two of the machines.  I am using motion blur that I know previously had problems rendering on my farm.  Any ideas?

Render instances don't seem to show up in object buffer masks.


[C4D] Resolved Feature Requests / TeamRender feature request
« on: 2017-04-27, 05:53:22 »
Would it be possible to show the noise level per pass on a TeamRender client? 

Currently when you send a render to TeamRender client and you set a pass limit it shows the current pass you are on and also total passes (pass 12/80).  This is very helpful in estimating how much longer your rendering will take.

It would be great to have something similar when you send a frame to TeamRender and set a noise limit.  (pass 12 noise level 6.3%/5.0%)



[C4D] Resolved Bugs / NetRender fail
« on: 2017-04-25, 21:51:21 »
There is a bug if you render a single fame through NetRender.  The render will always instantly fail.  If you render two or more frames the job will run correctly.

I would like to make a suggestion to have the Corona Multi-pass moved to a tab under render settings.  This way you could have various multi-pass settings saved with your render settings.  You could also copy and paste them between different scenes.

Would it make sense to do this or is there a reason they are separate?


Corona A6 RC1 will instantly crash if you try to use it with Cinema 18.028

After updating to most recent version of V18 Corona is unusable.  Try to create a material or render will instantly crash Cinema.

Bug report on Mantis

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