Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] I need help!

Animating Exposure change not working...

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Hi Forum!

I am doing a store animation walking from outside to inside. I have a corona camera tag and want to change the exposure from -2 (outside) to 0 once inside. I can click the 'override' and 'enable' to record the transition but not allowing me to record (click the diamond). Probably a really simple solution! Animation is not my strongest area. Thanks :-)

Yup, that doesn't work.
Bypass w "ISO" Camera setting.

Disregard. Appears broken on my side ~ ISO, speed, f-stop ain't working. (?)

Hi Burnin,

Thank's for the reply. Should work right? Just activate traffic light, record alter record then transition should work? Strange... Anyone else? Suppose worst case scenario, I render the whole animation at -2 expsure and brighten up in AE? Not doing the animation for a while luckily.

Just done a Google and found a previous thread here so answer is no, for now.

yes, save HDRIs and play w/ exposure in post 

oh, and disable ACES OT (since that clamps the image, making it LDR)
basically, just keep it linear.


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